We thought it would be hard to build the biggest Hucow stable in the world. It turns out to be a lot easier than expected! Women just report themselves at the barn now! Unbelievable but true. There must be a deep hidden desire in most women to be milked and this feeling can’t be suppressed when they discover this website! Sabrina is a slightly older Hucow, big boobs and an even bigger desire to be kept in the barn to be milked. Her sole purpose is to live as a Hucow. Straight onto the red cow milker she goes!
Maggy – long overdue
How did Maggy’s udders get so enormous?! They are incredibly huge, maybe even the biggest in the stables right now. Her back must be killing her! We are here to help. For Maggy, these sessions couldn’t come too soon, she needs to be induced and get some milk out of her to reduce the weight! Hanging down from the milking frame, we can properly see how big and heavy these udders are. Time to hook the red cow milker onto her and start pumping! We even turned it up above the usual strength, as these udders are going to need a lot of power. Look at Maggy’s smile! You can see this is what she has been looking for all this time!
Katie – kneeling frame
We were so happy to be able to move Katie to the barn! She is now at home, where she belongs! Katie is our number 1 HuCow, judging by member response, so we will show her more often, in her routine milking sessions. Katie is completely used to being hooked to the machines now. She does not complain, and she would even do it herself, but we have received the request for more bondage, so we cuffed and gagged her anyway. Just feeling the weight of her udders is very impressive. They are seriously heavy! She will need more sessions! Always more… it will never stop.
Maggy wanted to join the herd
Poor Maggy! Her udders are so big, she feels the pressure and tension all day. When she saw this website, she immediately volunteered to be in the Hucows herd. She wants to be milked on a regular basis, so the weight of her enormous udders will be bearable for at least a few hours again. She needs help. We took her in and used heavy chains to help support her udders. Maggy was relieved to be with us, and she started to prepare for her first milking straight away. She used lots of baby oil to get her udders and nipples supple and in good shape for milking. What machine should we use on her? We probably need lots of power and speed for this new hucow!
New HuCow Roxy
We did not mess around with new girl Roxy! Stripped of all her clothes, straight onto the milking frame in the barn, hooked the red cow milker onto her udders and go! A bit of a shock, really. But we couldn’t help ourselves, Roxy has got very beautiful natural udders. One of them is pierced, but that actually helps to get the milking cup on more centered! Roxy couldn’t believe what was happening to her, it will all settle in later. Her training started rough, but she will be a perfect docile HuCow, just give her some time!
Tammy – spirited
Young Tammy! Such a gorgeous little HuCow, whose curiosity got her a permanent spot in our herd. She is so cute, but also very feisty (still). She does not want to be milked, it hurts her soft nipples too much. We will train her and make her more docile and addicted to milking sessions, but HuCows like Tammy take a little longer to be tamed. It’s only her second time on the milking frame and we are going for the red cow milker already! Tammy is strong, she even lifts herself off the floor, and she lifts the entire heavy milking claw with just her udders! It doesn’t help of course, the vacuum is much too strong. Poor Tammy, will she ever get used to this life?
Katie – getting settled in the barn
Of course, our most prized HuCow also had to be moved to the new barn! No clothes, straw on the floor, chained to the wall by a sturdy metal chain and collar, Katie will have to settle into her new life now. We won’t have any trouble with this one! In fact, the chain is not even necessary. Katie is so addicted to milking sessions, she even begs for them, craving the pumping feeling on her big udders. It is true that women can transform into HuCows, their mental state changes, it is in their nature to be stimulated by a suckling feeling on their nipples. They go silent, obedient, and want to live as a permanent HuCow, only to be used for milking and breeding. Look at Katie’s face as I hold up the goat milker, she is practically glowing with joy! Soon she will be milked again, those huge udders need regular sessions and we have to keep her hooked to the feeling!
Vina – extreme speed
We did not hook Vina to the RED cow milker yet! The most powerful machine has been waiting for the young docile HuCow for some time, but today she can no longer avoid it: it is time for the red milking machine! Tiny 19-year old Vina is locked to the milking frame, waiting for whatever is going to happen. It’s hard to read her emotions, but we know she has already become addicted to the sessions and soon she will not need any bondage. For now, we will just focus on the milking, and it will be extreme! Not just the high power of the red cow milker, but we will also turn up the speed to a very high setting. To stop any potential protesting, we gagged our promising HuCow with a big ring gag. Vina is one of our most prized possessions, her udders have grown so much since the start, we will keep training her until she her transformation is complete.
Mandy arrived at the barn
Stripper girl Mandy is tall and slender. She looks fragile, but there is no reason she can not be trained as a good HuCow. After her initial shock of being breast pumped, she was moved to the barn and chained to the wall. Amazingly, she appeared to settle in quite well, lying down in the straw after a few minutes already. Promising! But Mandy would get no rest, she was shackled to the milking frame and subjected to the red cow milker! It was on an average setting, not too high, but the sheer weight of the cow milker cups was almost too much for the slender Mandy. Her udders were stretched and her nipples were sucked into the cups. She moaned in discomfort, but milking must go on. She will get used to it, eventually.
Katz in the new barn!
We keep expanding our herd so rapidly, we had to get a separate barn to house and milk some of our HuCows! It is really nice and cozy, with straw and many attachment points for chains and cuffs. Katz is the first one to be milked in this new barn, she is chained to the wall by her collar, but she does not need any other bondage today. She is very docile, and knows what needs to be done. She voluntarily massages her udders with oil to make them supple and shiny. Katz then switches on the goat milker (which is still on full power) and puts the cups on her nipples. She is such a good girl! She felt right at home in the new cozy barn!