Izzy – milked by Sam

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 15

Sam is one of our best trained HuCows. She never appeared on camera before, but she has developed into a stunning specimen, with big natural udders and a full understanding of the HuCow life. She is simply spectacular. Sam has become known at the barn as a ‘mother to all young hucows’. Because she knows what they have to go through and how much training and sessions it will take for them to fully develop. Young Izzy isn’t experienced at all, and she didn’t want to continue her training after her first session, but Sam convinced (commanded) her to keep training. It’s the red cow milker today again for Izzy, and Sam will do the honours. Don’t miss it!

Breaking Mistress Amy

posted in: Goat Milker | 11

Remember Mistress Amy? She was caught and trapped in our barn, just because she has the juiciest Asian udders ever. We don’t care she is a mistress, or whatever she calls herself. Amy will just be treated like all the other hucows. Of course, she will be a bit harder to break, but a nice session on the milking bed may go a long way. Let’s see how she copes with the goat milker hanging off her nipples. Cuffed to the bed, Amy soon loses her energy, she can only moan, but there is nothing she can do to stop the relentless high power suction of the goat milker cups. Her udders have been oiled beforehand, so her nipples are sucked into the cups very far. Will Amy be converted into a nice docile hucow? She doesn’t seem so dominant anymore now!!

Training Lizanne

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 12

Lizanne is back! After her encounter with the goat milker, we thought she would never be back, it was very painful and she was treated very roughly. But it turns out Lizanne has a Master who really loves to see her get trained as a HuCow! So he agreed to send her over more often to get the training she needs. This time, he wanted it even more rough than last time. So we had to hook Lizanne up to the most powerful machine: the red cow milker. Also, we prepared her nipples to be more puffy and stretched by making her wear nipple suckers for about 45 minutes before her session. This made her super sensitive, and the cow milker did its thing. After the session, Lizanne’s nipples were so big and sensitive, she could hardly stand anyone touching them. Which we did of course.

Mandy – the right treatment

Our slim stripper girl Mandy needs more training. She complains a lot, maybe because her nipples are very soft, so they get sucked into the cups very far. Last time, the red cow milker stopped her complaining, because her sensitive breasts could barely carry the weight of the cups. Today, it is time to help her a little bit by stimulating her from behind, so she is distracted from the relentless suction of the red cow milker. A fucking machine is installed behind her, and both machines are going at the same time. Sucked from the front, fucked from behind. Mandy turns out to be very sensitive to stimulation by penetration too! Her brain is almost blown, it’s like her body doesn’t know where to focus anymore. Her arms and legs tremble and Mandy moans loudly. This double stimulation is one of the hardest, most exhausting things she has ever done!

Natalia – first milk

posted in: Double Breast Pump | 6

Natalia is pregnant, so her milk production should start without any problems now. With swollen udders, she is told to pump herself for the first time with the double breast pump. Natalia is horrified by the stuff that comes out of her, but first milk is never the best (or much). She just needs to keep doing this regularly to get her production up. We still have a few months before she gives birth, so we will get a few gallons out of this one! Regular sessions and a lot of patience are required, because Natalia is easily upset. She’s precious now, so we will treat her well.

Vina pumped

posted in: Double Breast Pump | 8

Young Vina is very popular! Some members have asked for her to be double breast pumped again, so here we go: Vina is handcuffed to the barn wall, unable to stop the automatic dual breast pump from sucking at her sensitive nipples. To try and stimulate her hormone level a little, we add a magic wand vibrator to her standing predicament, pushing it right up to her clit before locking it into place. Now Vina is vibrated and pumped, which is the proper treatment you asked for. Vina is one of your favorite HuCows, she deserves to get even more member requests, so send them in!

Angelica – exhausting session

posted in: Cow Milker (RED), Magic Wand | 7

German cow Angelica has been doing a lot of private milking sessions with you (the fans) lately. It was so lovely to meet all of you at the barn, where you took the opportunity to learn how to use all of the machines on Angelica. She is a very tough girl and can take long sessions of nipple vacuum pumping, but sometimes she is still smiling, like she is mocking us. I decided to make this session a bit more exhausting, to wipe her smile off her face. Some powerful milking time on all fours, on the red cow milker, stimulated by a magic wand. Angelica was soon panting and moaning, sucked by the power milker and vibrated from behind. She was sweating and getting very excited!

Natalia Forrest – breeding HuCow

posted in: Massage | 18

Natalia Forrest has been breeding and the results are clearly visible! She is pregnant! Her udders have grown quite a bit, of course. Breeding is the best way to get the milk flowing and increase udder size. But now Natalia will need a lot of care. She is in the barn, chained to the wall by her locked collar, shy and afraid. She knows she will have to massage her udders to keep them supple and ready for milking. She rubs oil all over herself and massages her sensitive udders. We can’t wait to milk her, but first let her settle down in the barn for now. This is such good news!

Izzy – curiosity

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 8

Young Izzy was intrigued by the barn and the red cow milker that was still set up from a previous milking session. She was so cute in her nice heels and her glasses. Touching the cow milker, something stirred inside her, she was curious but scared at the same time. She decided this should remain a fantasy, but just as she was about to leave, we caught her, stripped her, and locked her to the milking frame by her neck. This was all a big shock to Izzy, as she doesn’t like to be restrained, but in a way she was still curious what it would feel like to be milked by a powerful machine. Well, she found out… the red cow milker has a very strong vacuum, maybe too strong for first sessions, but it’s her own fault for being so damn curious!

Katie – milking bed

posted in: Goat Milker | 25

You have been asking for it: ‘put Katie on the milking bed!’. Alright alright… I was worried the udder opening in the milking bed wasn’t big enough, but fortunately it was (unfortunately for Katie). This milking position looks very relaxed, but it is as exhausting and painful as all the other positions. The vicious goat milker is relentless, and Katie especially hates the goat milker. Believe it or not, she actually prefers the much more powerful red cow milker now, because the cups are a little less harsh on her nipples. We will just keep pumping her, in all positions, with all machines. Because we love Katie, she is our best HuCow!!

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