Katie – bigger nipples

Well, our prize HuCow Katie has big udders, that’s for sure! But her teats are not that big. So we need to work on increasing their size to make them more sensitive, longer and bigger nipples will be much more efficiently milked by machines like the red cow milker. We made new transparent nipple training cups especially for Katie, and hooked them to the very powerful electronic breast training machine. This machine is designed to enlarge the entire breast with big cups, so using a smaller cup will make it even more powerful.
Katie’s nipples were immediately enlarged by 4 or 5 times! It’s a rather uncomfortable process of course, but Katie is getting used to the barn life, and she hasn’t protested against any treatment for a long time now. She is completely used to being touched, massaged, and oiled. And most machines do not really have a time limit for her anymore. For example, she could be on the goat milker forever!
We are curious to see if our treatment will have any effects in the long run. We would love to build some bigger and longer nipples on top of Katie’s huge udders. That will really transform her into a perfect HuCow. But then again, Katie already is our perfect HuCow, docile and easy to handle, and completely used to her new life. Don’t worry, you will see much more Katie at HuCows.com! We know you love her too!

LittleRedGirl – full power and wand

posted in: Cow Milker (RED), Magic Wand | 6

After her horrifying introducing to the herd, LittleRedGirl needs to be trained on a daily basis to transform her into an obedient HuCow. Her soft udders are tied into cute balls with rope to get more pressure on them. We put her in the barn, chained by her collar, and she still looks terrfied. Her big eyes stare at the farmer when he comes closer to inspect her udders. She knows she will be on the red cow milker at full power today and she is really afraid. This tiny young girl on the most powerful machine at the highest setting, it’s exciting for us, but scary for her! The farmer has got some tricks up his sleeve to make her more comfortable, like a huge ball gag and of course a magic wand to reprogram her brain into associating painful milking with pleasure. It seems to work because LittleRedGirl has a few powerful orgasms during and after her milking session!! Don’t miss this!

Chessie Kay – fucked and milked

posted in: Fucking Machine, Goat Milker | 14

Chessie Kay has got some very sensitive nipples! Even a short time on the goat milker will make her nipples double in size and the milking is quite painful for her. But we wanted to milk her today at a high power setting, so she needed some distraction from the uncomfortable nipple vacuum torture. What better way for a horny girl like Chessie than to use the fucking machine to help her through this hard milking session! The fucking machine is great, and Chessie did a little better during the powerful milking, but we decided to remove the fucking machine halfway to tease her a little. Chessie’s huge udders are fun to play with, and this session more than doubled her nipples in size! Great results, but Chessie is still not a very happy HuCow. Let’s hope she will settle in soon!

Jade Samantha – filled cups!

The breast training machine is great for udder enhancement, but we are still looking for the best way to use it. Maybe the milking bed will provide the position we need? Our reluctant HuCow Jade Samantha already has great udders, but there’s always room for improvement. Besides, we have to keep training her, she still moans too much. Using the plastic breast cups on her with the very powerful vacuum machine will hopefully give us some nice results!
Jade didn’t really like this training, it was quite extreme because we had to test out all of the preprogrammed milking settings on the machine. Some where very harsh (and fast) and soon Jade’s udders were filling the cups to the max! These are the best results we have seen so far! We left the machine running for a long time, just to make sure, and Jade hated us (again). Life of a HuCow is not easy…

Katarina – moo

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 17

Katarina is locked to the milking frame for another session on the cow milker. She does not really want to get milked, and she tries to struggle, making her huge udders swing impressively. The farmer has no pity, he straps a big ballgag into Katarina’s mouth. Interestingly, the only sound she can now make sounds very much like ‘moo’. And Katarina will moo a LOT, especially because the red cow milker is on a high setting and a fairly high speed! She has very sensitive nipples that enlarge quickly during milking, so it is uncomfortable for her as her nipples get so big they get stuck in the cups. This was a good session! Katarina is starting to adjust to her life as a HuCow!

LittleRedGirl – captured

posted in: Goat Milker | 16

LittleRedGirl is a tiny curious girl from the UK. Her udders are quite a good size and a bit saggy and soft. So she is a perfect victim to capture and keep as our most recent addition to the herd! LittleRedGirl wakes up in prison, her udders tightly bound with ropes and a huge ballgag strapped into her mouth. She panics, and wants to remove the ropes and her gag, but her hands are strapped in leather mitts. Unable to remove her restraints, she cowers in fear as the farmer comes in to collar her and chain her to the wall. Some time later, her collar is locked to the prison bars, she is handcuffed behind her back, with her udders poking through the bars. She can’t move an inch when the goat milker is applied to her poor nipples. That hurts a lot! LittleRedGirl can’t believe what’s happening to her, she looks terrified throughout the entire experience. Don’t worry, she will settle in eventually!

Olga – dildo prod

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 8

Olga is one of those HuCows who definitely needs bondage during milking. Remember, her nipples are extremely sensitive and she would probably bolt and try to pull the cups off instinctively. Maybe it’s a bit early in her training to put her on the red cow milker, but we did not want to waste any time with this beautiful HuCow girl. Her nipples will be at least twice the size when this extremely powerful milker is done with her and that’s going to hurt her quite a lot. But we have a surprise for her, to take her mind off the milking… our new farming instrument: the dildo prod! This will definitely help our HuCows to focus on other things during milking, and stimulation is known to induce milk production, so it’s a great tool to have! Watch how pain turns into pleasure for Olga!

Angelica – vibrated on the milking bed

posted in: Goat Milker, Magic Wand | 23

Angelica is one of the HuCows we use for Farmer sessions. People come to the barn from all over the world to experience what it is like to be a HuCow farmer (info here). With Angelica, many guest farmers have come over to try a private milking session with Angelica, she is perfect for private sessions, because she is used to being milked and she is very docile. Her udders can be massages, and she can handle all machines. Also, a nice bonus is she is now associating milking with stimulation, so she can be milked in combination with a fucking machine or (her favorite) a magic wand. Obviously we can not show these private milking sessions on here (they are not recorded), but recently a guest farmer came over and he vibrated Angelica on the milking bed for a long time. She reached a few orgasms and she was totally happy, so we thought we would recreate this session for you and show you what Angelica did in this private milking session. We hope you like it, and if you want to try this for yourself: Angelica is available at our barn to let you experiment with her and all of our machines!

Little Caprice – strange noises

Well, we had to get Little Caprice on the electronic breast training machine of course. She is a petite girl with small udders, so we need to make them a bit bigger. The problem is, Caprice has a really small chest so the cup shape doesn’t match the curve of her ribcage. This means that some air is escaping from the sides of the cups, creating a very strange farting sound. Don’t worry though, the machine sucks out more air than can escape from the side, so Caprice’s small udders will be stretched into the cups quite a bit. She did not like this treatment at all, but it has to be done. It was a very surreal experience, one of the most famous teen babes in our breast treatment room, having her udders pumped, with some very strange noises accompanying her moans and struggling. With some added infrared therapy, we managed to almost stretch her to double size though, that is quite a good result when a HuCow is lying on her back!

Introducing Julia de Lucia

posted in: Goat Milker | 21

We are acquiring a lot of Spanish HuCows nowadays! Olga, Liz, and now Julia de Lucia! Spain seems to be a good breeding country! Our latest HuCow, Julia de Lucia, is proud of her boobs. She loves showing them off and she can’t stop playing with them. Well, here at the farm, she will learn that boobs are not for playing! We will keep her in strict bondage so she can’t touch herself and she will be regularly milked to show her what her udders are for. Today, she is going straight to the barn and she will be hooked to the goat milker. We think Julia is a great addition to our herd, she just needs to learn that milking is a good thing. Next time we will add some stimulation to her session, so her brain will start associating milking with pleasure.

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