Katie – full udders

posted in: Goat Milker | 12

Katie is somewhat of a miracle HuCow. No matter how many times we milk her (and we have milked her A LOT), her udders always are full and extremely heavy. Her tiny frame has to carry a lot of weight! That’s why she actually likes the feeling of getting milked. Katie even likes to get strapped in the milking frame, it supports her arms, legs, and waist, letting those huge udders hang free. Getting oiled and massaged is her favorite part, but she is now completely used to the machines too. Bondage is actually not necessary anymore with her, she has become very docile. She is definitely the star of our barn, the most popular HuCow! She is back on the goat milker this time, and gets her nipples double in size!

Olga – milked on the Sybian

posted in: Goat Milker, Sybian | 4

Olga is a very sensitive HuCow, and she is almost ready to start producing! The many milking sessions have taken their toll however, and Olga has become a bit reluctant. So today we are milking her while she is sitting on the Sybian machine, it will help her brain to connect milking with pleasure. The Sybian is so powerful, most HuCows forget about the milking, as the waves of orgasms flow over them. Olga’s nipples have become so soft and sensitive, they will swell up to triple the size from a milking session, and she even starts producing a few drops! We are getting there, so today she is rewarded for all her hard work. A ride on the Sybian should help her through the difficult stages of her transformation!

Cherry – drooly cow

posted in: Cow Milker (RED), Magic Wand | 4

It’s time to move Cherry to the barn! This tiny HuCow got her introduction on the milking bed, where she could lie down and let things happen to her udders. Now it’s time to get her on the red cow milker, for a more powerful milking session. Cherry is still wearing her pink butt plug to remind her of her new HuCow status. But things are going to get a lot harder for her as she is fitted with a big ring gag. Cherry is already drooling uncontrollably, strapped to the mobile milking frame, as we enter to start the cow milker. It’s almost too much for little Cherry. Fortunately, there is a way to make her focus on something else: the magic wand will help her to get through this session! Poor Cherry, so much is happening to her at once, her tiny brain can’t even cope with all this input. She will learn!!

LittleRedGirl – locked udders

posted in: Goat Milker | 5

LittleRedGirl is a young heifer with extremely soft udders. To train and milk her, we really need to put more pressure on those nice dangling teats, so we have tied them with rope again and again. Today, we are trying locking udder bands. LittleRedGirl is locked to a frame by her collar and this makes her completely accessible for the goat milker to do its job. Her locked udders are still sore from earlier milkings, but we need to get on with it: LittleRedGirl is such a promising HuCow, we can’t let her take a break. Gagged with a big shiny red ball again, she will have to deal with the goat milker once again. The HuCow lifestyle is often not easy for young heifers, but they will get used to it. They all do.

Liz – inspection and pumping

posted in: Manual Breast Pump | 4

It is important to do regular check ups of your HuCows. They need to stay in top shape. Medical inspections are just as important as exercise. Liz is taken to the inspection room to be examined and oiled to ensure she is a healthy HuCow. After the inspection, her udders are oiled up for a pumping session. Liz has uniquely shaped udders with large puffy teats but she could use a little more volume. Regular pumping sessions will help. She is now quite well trained, and she can even be told to do the pumping herself. It’s not easy for Liz, but she pumps both of her udders to the maximum size. Well done, Liz! You can return to the barn now for your milking sessions.

Ulysse – still resisting

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 15

Our feisty French HuCow Ulysse is still not very well trained. She says ‘no’ when you touch her udders. And milking is still very painful for her. The only way to solve this is to give her more sessions. More milking, regular milking, hard milking. The red cow milker is the strongest machine, so we try if that will speed up her training. Ulysse is suffering, she needs full restraints to keep her in the milking frame, otherwise she would run off. It is not easy to transition to human livestock, but we are confident we can get all HuCows to eventually get used to their milking sessions, docile and without (many) restraints. With Ulysse however, this is going to take a long time. Maybe we should add a little stimulation to her sessions?

200 updates! Katarina fucked and sucked!

posted in: Fucking Machine, Goat Milker | 16

We can’t believe we already are at update 200 on this website! It has gone so fast in the past years, and we love all the support we have been getting. We couldn’t have done this without you! 200 milking sessions and many more private sessions, it has been a great experience! And we are just getting started, there’s much more to come! To celebrate, we have an incredible update for you: Katarina like you have never seen her before: on the fucking machine! It is actually needed to take her mind off the goat milker. Since Katarina has big nipples that get really puffy during milking, the goat milker extends her nipples to almost 1 inch during milking (you can see it in the closeups). After milking, her nipples are so swollen the goat milker can’t even come off, she needs to wait a while to be released from the machine. Good thing she is also getting fucked from behind, it helps her to relax and take this harsh milking! Please join our site to support us, 200 updates are there for you to download!

Julia de Lucia – cow milker orgasms

posted in: Cow Milker (RED), Magic Wand | 12

Spanish HuCow Julia de Lucia really hates her milking sessions a lot. And this one is as extreme as they get: the powerful red cow milker stretches her udders and sucks in her nipples at the same time. Because the support chain for the milker claw was a bit too long, the full weight of the entire claw hangs off Julia’s udders. Usually we don’t do sessions like this, but there was no time to correct it. Her udders looked seriously stretched and she was moaning a lot. Instead of supporting the cups, we solved her distress by adding a magic wand. That will be part of her training anyway: she needs to learn to associate milking with pleasure. Brainwashing takes many sessions, so it’s important to start with vibrators or fucking machines early on! Julia had many intense orgasms, including some after her milking. She said something in Spanish after her session, even though HuCows shouldn’t speak. We didn’t understand her, but we think she liked it!

Angelica – new milking stand

posted in: Goat Milker | 12

Wow, we have some awesome fans! A HuCow enthusiast sent us this custom made milking stand, which is incredible! Thank you so much! We immediately grabbed our resident German HuCow Angelica to test it. The frame has a molded piece so the HuCow body can be completely horizontal, while she still stands stands on the floor. A tight waist strap is all that is needed to keep the HuCow from going anywhere. Hands are restrained behind the back of course. This is a VERY hard position to maintain, and even our muscled HuCow Angelica was sweating and panting in this straining pose. Add a full power goat milker and you know it is not going to be an easy session! This stand has a lot of interesting options and additions which we will show you later on, but for now we are just trying to adjust and tweak it. It is an awesome device, it looks simple but it renders HuCows completely helpless with their udders hanging free. That’s just what we needed!

Katie – nipple enhancement

Katie! Huge udders but small nipples. Kind of the opposite of last week’s update. We have to focus on enhancing her nipples, and the best way (again) to do that is the electronic breast training machine. Not with breast cups but with nipple cups. This will create an insanely powerful vacuum that will enlarge Katie’s nipples FIVE times. It is very extreme, and it hurts, so we need to take her mind off the pain and stimulate her at the same time. A magic wand bolted to the wall is a good way of training Katie’s brain to associate nipple enhancement with pleasure. Many people have been asking for an upright session with Katie. Well, she is cuffed to the wall and vibrated, her udders are still absolutely spectacular and amongst the top of the herd. We will keep training Katie. She is one of our most prized HuCows!

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