Our HuCow Jezzy has stunning hair! Not sure if you noticed that in her previous sessions, but she is a true maiden! When we first captured her, she was wearing this amazing green medieval dress. We locked a big HuCow collar on her neck and tried to pull her dress down to see her big udders. But Jezzy was shy and she kept pulling her dress back up. Eventually we had to chain her to the wall (maiden style) to inspect and squeeze her udders. We then milked her with the new compact goat milker, which is a new type of slow and steady milking. Despite the monotonous sound, this machine actually has a strong pulsation and it is very powerful with loooong vacuum pump time and slow release. This allows for perfect nipple stretch training, important for big uddered (but small nippled) HuCows like our stunning medieval maiden Jezzy!!
Katarina – maximum power test
300 updates! Wow, we have grown so fast as a farm for the past five years! Time to celebrate with a special update of one of our most popular HuCows: Katarina! She is just amazing, with her huge natural udders and slim body. Katarina is quite crazy though, so she needs lots of bondage all the time or we can’t milk her. In this update, we ran the red cow milker at maximum power. It was a test to see if Katarina could take it, and she did quite well. We also wanted to increase the speed at the end but Katarina was not ready for that yet. A huge spider gag made sure she could only make moo sounds while she was strapped to the milking bench. A great position to celebrate our 300th! Hopefully we can entertain you with at least 300 more! A big thanks to everyone who has supported this website so far!!
Cindy Dollar – triple pumped
Cindy Dollar is one of our easiest HuCows. She still needs bondage, but we can basically do anything to her. She is often used to test new machines and positions. Like today, when we wanted to find out if the vacuum power for triple pumping can be even higher than we ever tried. It would be very hard to get through a session like this, but if anyone can do it, it’s Cindy! It’s great to see clit pumping work so well, her clit becomes swollen right away and it pops out of hiding. The strong vacuum means that her nipples are tripled in size right from the start, and they will go up to four times by the end of the session, almost filling the cups! Of course, once the pumping stops, everything seems to go back to normal and many people have asked what the purpose is of this training. The answer is in stretching! Skin stretching is the most important step in growth! Nipples need to be pulled as often as possible, by clamps or vacuum power!
Cherry – powerful udder expansion
Cherry had her udders pierced! It doesn’t stop us from keeping her as a HuCow, we have milked pierced nipples before. But what we really want to do is to test how much power Cherry can take on the udder expansion machine today! It is not going to be easy, so we have to restrain and gag her. Cherry needs a lot of discipline and training. She doesn’t have the HuCows mindset yet, and she certainly doesn’t enjoy her sessions. We pump her udders extremely hard, trying to get her piercings to touch the cups. It is a harsh training for Cherry today, but it has to be done.
Dolly and Penny Lee on the double goat milker
Our regular HuCow Dolly likes it more when she is milked with a friend. We have done sessions with Dolly and her friend Jezzy in the past, and recently we have been bringing in our HuCow Penny Lee to support Dolly, who does not really like solo sessions. Dolly is quite experienced, and Penny Lee has done her fair share of sessions too! They have been milked together with the red cow milker before, and now it’s time to put them on the goat milker! They start by oiling each other’s udders, they know how important it is to have supple skin to prevent skin damage and other problems. Their collars are locked to the milking frame and they are cuffed behind their backs. The goat milker is on full power! Poor girls, this was a hard session!
Vina – red cow milker and fucking machine
A lot of members have been wondering how Vina is doing! Well, we are still giving her regular milking sessions of course. Vina is our greatest success story, going from a curious young 19-year old A-cup girl to a fully developed HuCow with cup size DD. That is a 400% udder gain! She has become fully docile, and she accepts all of her treatments and milking sessions without flinching or complaining. We still like to keep her restrained though, it’s just good practice to restrain your HuCows. Today, she is going on the most powerful machine again: the red cow milker. Not easy on her teats, but it is necessary to keep her in shape. As a reward and distraction, she gets the fucking machine too. Vina is just the best! Enjoy this update!
Katie – nipple enlargement training
Katie’s udders are huge and full, she is our most developed HuCow! But her nipples are very small compared to her massive udders. She will need a lot of specific training to her teats to elongate. The best way to do that is the electronic breast training machine with some glass cups to stretch her nipples to 3 or 4 times their original size. The shape of the cups make sure the effect lasts very long, and with enough training sessions on her teats, we should be able to reach a perfect nipple size to milk her better on the goat milker or red cow milker.
Britney – massage chair udder pump
Britney is back! She had some adventures here at the farm already, but her udders are still quite small. Time to pump them using very high vacuum power! The special udder bra may look cute, but it is real torture when the full pressure is on! It’s impossible to remove it by hand, that’s how strong the vacuum is. Britney’s udders are pumped to two, maybe three times their original size. But we are not all evil, we gave her a nice massage chair for her comfort! Britney is still a little panicky and scared during her sessions, let’s hope she will get more docile soon!
HuCow 69 – another new arrival
Summer seems to be the time where farmers want to get rid of their HuCows. Please think before you get one! They require attention and care all day long, farming is hard work! We purchased this experienced, well trained HuCow from a local farm and we tagged her with the number 69. She already came fitted with a nose ring! We locked her in our cage, blindfolded and gagged, as to not startle her during the move. We woke her up by squeezing her udders, her movements causing some nice cow bell sounds. We put HuCow 69 straight onto the milking bed with the goat milker, to see if she can already produce some milk. The results were very promising, she immediately started to drip. We suspect the previous owner did not milk her regularly, so we have to get her back on schedule!
Jessy Joy – self milking
Meanwhile, our HuCow Jessy Joy is in the final stages of her pregnancy. Look at her huge belly and enlarged udders with big nipples! She can feel the milk coming in, and it will start flowing immediately after giving birth, but we want her to prepare herself for her production period even before the big event. We are teaching our new pet how to milk herself using the double breast pump. Jessy Joy is pretty exhausted from the changes in her body, but she is very obedient and she has learnt how to use this machine all by herself. Chained to the wall, Jessy is just waiting to give birth, but she can use her time well to practice her milking duties. She will be milked A LOT after she gives birth, we can’t wait!