Don’t be fooled by the name, the compact goat milker is actually extremely powerful. It milks in a different way, maintaining a huge constant pressure while softly varying the squeeze vacuum. This means a HuCow’s teats are sucked into the cups very far, all of the time, while being gently squeezed to get milk out. Our freckled HuCow Lisa is the first one to try this machine on the milking bed. It was very harsh on her nipples, leaving them very red and ultra sensitive. But it was worth it! We had results again! The compact goat milker milked her so hard, some drops of milk came out!
Cindy Dollar – teat training
One of the farmer’s favorite HuCows is Cindy. She has nice udders and she is very docile, the farmer can do anything with her and she will patiently suffer. It’s not easy for her, she has sensitive udders AND nipples, but she knows this HuCow life is what is best for her. Today, the farmer plans on elongating her teats a bit more. She starts off with nipple clamps (which she hates), and soon Cindy is strapped to the milking bench in a very strict bondage position. Her arms are behind her back and her head is pulled back and tied to the barn wall. The electronic breast training machine quickly makes her nipples 4 times bigger, it is very powerful. After a long session of teat pumping, the farmer finally shuts off the machine. Cindy’s teats are now very tender, but the farmer shows no mercy: the clover clamps are reapplied again! A terrible ordeal for poor Cindy, but she needs more training!
Nora Sparkle fucked and sucked
Remember our new HuCow Nora Sparkle? Nice soft udders, and very orgasmic! She is a quiet and calm HuCow, it seems like it is going to be easy to train her. Today, she will experience the most powerful machine: the red cow milker. To make it a little easier for her, we set up a fucking machine behind her, so her brain will be very confused about the pleasure (fucking) and pain (sucking) at the same time, the same trick we used in her first session. Nora was again a bit overwhelmed with everything going on at the same time, but she is making such good progress! We are definitely keeping this one, she needs more sessions!
Lara Tinelli – squirting HuCow
New HuCow Lara Tinelli is very sensitive in her pierced nipples AND pussy. So milking her on a Sybian is extremely stimulating for her. Her poor brain can not even deal with everything that is going on at once. Lara has been on a Sybian before, and of course it made her orgasm, but the added stimulation of getting milked made her orgasm about 4 times harder!! She nearly destroys the barn and the Sybian when she cums HARD! She squirts lots and lots all over the straw, making a huge mess. We are pretty impressed with these results, but we want liquid from her nipples, not from her pussy. We will have to train her more. And longer. And harder. We are sure you will agree.
Vina – spanking results!
The farmer finally did it! Vina has free flow! After years of training, Vina is now lactating. Well, one of her udders anyway. Her right udder is leaking quite a lot of drops after this intense session, where she gets milked again with the insanely powerful red cow milker. The farmer leaves her strapped to the frame for quite a while, playing with Vina’s udders until he decides to spank her. He continues to spank her bottom until it is red. Much to the farmer’s surprise, Vina starts leaking from her right udder. He stops the machine to inspect the flow, and there it is: some milk from Vina!! That’s quite an achievement for such a young HuCow, who started off with tiny udders and only her curiosity and willpower to become a HuCow! We love our Vina so much!! This is one we will never sell!
HuCow 210 on the milking bed
Whatever happened to HuCow 210, the stray we picked up during the pandemic crisis, where some farmers had to let part of their herd go? Well, she is still here! A wonderfully trained HuCow, 210 is used to being gagged and udder rope harnessed all the time. She is very obedient, and she can handle most milking machines, but there are some things that are hard for her. Like nipple clamps. Unlike her previous farmer, we like to use nipple clamps before a session to stretch and sensitize the nipples, it helps the cups to grab onto the teats better. A little harsh, but 210’s super round plump udders can definitely handle a lot. What she really seems to hate however, is nipple clamps AFTER milking. A fan favorite, so we did it again this session, and HuCow 210 definitely did not like that!!
Liz – nipple puller
Liz Rainbow! One of our resident HuCows, she has extremely sensitive nipples. Her big round puffy nipples and pointy udders make her a favorite for many people. She has had very hard times here at the farm, and we continue to torture her, because those unique nipples are a treasure that needs to be explored to the fullest. And if there is one thing Liz hates the most, it is when we use nipple clamps before her milking session. It just makes her nipples very tender, and they get pulled into the milking cups further. Well, today we take nipple clamping to the max with our nipple puller, which should really sensitize Liz’s poor nipples to the extreme, before using a milking machine on her. Poor Liz!
Pumping the secretary
Lady Lyne had a very strange feeling about her new job. Her tasks were not really meaningful, and the phone didn’t seem to work at all. Also, her boss was staring at her all the time. Maybe because she didn’t like to wear a bra. Her nipples were always showing through her white blouse and she was sure her boss was always trying to get a peek at her big boobs. Then suddenly one day she found herself handcuffed to her chair, wearing a huge metal collar. A strange machine was on her desk. Her nipples were clamped and hurting. Her boss came in and started groping her udders, hooking them up to the machine, to pump her nipples to 4 times their original size. She tried to protest but she was soon gagged. She should never have taken this job at the farmer’s office!
Darina – nipple sensitizing
Darina is one of our easiest HuCows. Nice and docile, we can do anything with her and she is ok with it. Her nipples aren’t actually that sensitive, which makes it easier for her to do longer sessions with more milking power. But we like our HuCows to be a bit more sensitive, because stimulation can improve the milk flow. Nipple clamps are manageable for Darina, even clover clamps, so the farmer introduces his newest toys today on an unsuspecting Darina: the nipple sensitizers. These cups can automatically suck the nipple in until it touches the sensitizer. Then, with another button, the farmer can choose 1 of 10 programs to stimulate and sensitize a HuCow’s nipples. This is actually a more harsh treatment than you would expect: imagine a long session of constant automatic nipple stimulation. You can see it gets a bit much, even for a tough HuCow like Darina. Especially when the farmer reapplies the nipple clamps at the end!!
Katie – proud HuCow
Look at our Katie! Isn’t she just spectacular! Thank you for checking her out on, where we have all the Katie videos and more! Today, she shows us her training is paying off. Katie needs no restraints or gag anymore. She is a proud HuCow, and she is very obedient, even when faced with the prospect of being milked by the goat milker! Katie’s legs are strapped, so she can stand perfectly on her knees and hands. This gives her a proud HuCow posture, with her huge udders dangling between her arms. She even presents the farmer with her udders when he holds out his hand. A bit of oil and then it’s on to the goat milker! It still hurts her a little, but Katie is definitely transformed now, she will go through her sessions without complaining or bolting. She’s a proud HuCow!