Jasmine James – proud lactating HuCow

posted in: Self Expression | 7

All these milking sessions have really helped Jasmine James to become a ‘wet HuCow’, which is what we call HuCows who are producing. In this solo video, Jasmine herself explains how much milk she can already squeeze out of her giant udders, and what is the best way to squeeze her nipples to get the milk into the bowl. She is so proud! Chained to the wall, Jasmine has been told to express as much milk as possible until she needs a break. During the break, she needs to keep the pressure on her nipples using clover clamps, which is quite painful for her ultra sensitive teats. Jasmine is such a good obedient HuCow, she is quickly becoming one of our herd’s most prized members!

Jasmine James – sybian and cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker (RED), Sybian | 12

We got another result!! Milk is starting to flow from Jasmine James’ udders! This is such good news, and it shows that every HuCow can be producing, if you just do enough sessions with enough pressure and stimulation. We milked Jasmine HARD this time. The red cow milker on full power, with an added Sybian for stimulation. Well, we weren’t planning on using the Sybian, but Jasmine was found in the barn playing with this machine so we used it in the session (but on a much higher setting). Jasmine is so cute! Can you believe those huge udders are now lactacting? There is so much more to do with Jasmine now, we need to keep her here for a while!!

Jasmine James – the new massage table

We have a brand new massage table in the medical intake room at the farm! This room is used for HuCow checkups, inspections, and intakes. It is very important to take care of your HuCow, regular udder massages are vital for production and flow! This massage table has udder openings in it, so the HuCow can be milked lying on her stomach. The openings can also be covered to turn it into a normal massage table for udder and clit treatments. Jasmine James is the first HuCow on the table, she is always a bit skittish so we had to strap and chain her down, even blindfolding her to calm her senses. She gets a nice oily udder massage before being pumped with the new breast training machine. Of course, the session is ended with tight clover clamps!

Want to order a massage milking table like this? We have a few in stock (in hospital green or light blue) if you are quick to email us at [email protected]. Only shipping to European countries.

Jasmine James revisits the frame

posted in: Goat Milker | 6

Life has gone full circle for Jasmine James, one of our first HuCows. Nine years ago she featured in one of our first updates, which was very well received at the time. Click here to see the update! Now, Jasmine James is a part of our herd again, and she finds herself back in the same position with the same goat milker as so many years ago. She still looks great and she still has ultra sensitive nipples which make this long and hard milking session very difficult for her. Then it’s clover clamps at the end (with added padlock)… the farmer did not do that yet nine years ago!! Ouch!!

Jasmine James – back in the barn

We are so excited! Look who we have recaptured after almost 9 years! It is one of our favorite HuCows ever, and part of the original herd: Jasmine James! With her famous large udders and cute red hair, she was a fan favorite ever since the launch of this website. Jasmine is now back where she belongs, and we are going to milk her hard and often! She was known for her funny reactions and her ultra sensitive nipples. Jasmine definitely needs a gag and restraints during milking as she is skittish and doesn’t really like to be touched by the farmer. One of the most famous HuCows ever is back, and she is here to stay!! All the more reason to subscribe and support this website! Do not miss this awesome return!

Jasmine and Chessie – the cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker | 9

Here we go! Jasmine James and Chessie Kay, chained to a post, are going to try the powerful cow milker for the first time! Even experienced Hucow Jasmine is a little afraid of the sucking power of this device! As the girls find out, it only works when the vacuum is complete, so all four cups need to be blocked. After a few seconds, the vacuum (and milking rhythm) sets in at full strength and it becomes very difficult to even pull off the cups by hand! It is so powerful it leaves circular marks on their puffed up nipples! This is the most powerful milking these girls ever had!!

Jasmine and Chessie – schoolgirl HuCows

posted in: Goat Milker | 11

Now that they have been permanently added to the stables, I can do with my two big boobed pet cows whatever I want! They need regular milking sessions, and although Jasmine’s training is a lot further than Chessie’s, today they really didn’t seem to want to start their milking session. So I had to restrain them both to the milking frame. I also dressed them up in cute schoolgirl outfits, just because it looks hot. I had to ballgag them, because they just kept protesting their predicament, but that is not a bad thing. It creates fun sounds when the full power goat milker is applied! It was a hard milking session with these reluctant cows, but I managed to make their nipples grow again! Cow milker next???

Chessie Kay – the new pet

posted in: Goat Milker | 19

Aw Chessie is so shy and afraid! Good thing we have our resident HuCow pet Jasmine James to help her with her training. Chessie needs to be milked regularly, but she is very reluctant. We will try it witout bondage for now, let’s see if Jasmine can talk her into trying the goat milker. These two pets have huge udders, if they really want to live here they have to be milked very frequently. Don’t you just love seeing two big uddered pets milking themselvs? Oh, by the way, we accidentally left the goat milker on high speed…

Chessie Kay gets prepared for milking

posted in: Massage | 7

Of course we had to recruit famous adult star Chessie Kay for our farm! Her udders are amongst the most famous in the adult industry, so it would be great to see them hooked to a milking machine! But it wasn’t that easy to lure Chessie in… we had to deploy our secret weapon: our fully training pet HuCow Jasmine James! She would be able to convince Chessie! Watch her work her magic on a tied down Chessie, massaging those huge udders to get ready for the milking machine. Stimulating the breast tissue should get the milk flow going. Chessie is a fighter however, we have a feeling she will not let herself be milked without any bondage… stay tuned!

Jasmine James – perfect pet

posted in: Goat Milker | 9

After some intensive training, Jasmine James has now calmed down a lot. She has become one of my favorite pets to play with. She listens very well, she can sit up and assume submissive positions, and she will sleep in her own little cage. But most importantly: she has been trained to milk her own big udders twice a day with the powerful goat milker! She does not really like it, but is dedicated to become a perfect HuCow! Don’t miss this update, you will love it!

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