Cindy Dollar – triple pumped

Cindy Dollar is one of our easiest HuCows. She still needs bondage, but we can basically do anything to her. She is often used to test new machines and positions. Like today, when we wanted to find out if the vacuum power for triple pumping can be even higher than we ever tried. It would be very hard to get through a session like this, but if anyone can do it, it’s Cindy! It’s great to see clit pumping work so well, her clit becomes swollen right away and it pops out of hiding. The strong vacuum means that her nipples are tripled in size right from the start, and they will go up to four times by the end of the session, almost filling the cups! Of course, once the pumping stops, everything seems to go back to normal and many people have asked what the purpose is of this training. The answer is in stretching! Skin stretching is the most important step in growth! Nipples need to be pulled as often as possible, by clamps or vacuum power!

Cindy Dollar – induced

Another result! Cindy Dollar has been with us for a while and we tried a few things to get her body adjusted to her new life, like allowing her to bring a friend over, but inducing takes a while in some HuCows, and sometimes they require countless milking sessions. With Cindy, it was easy when we realized she is a hypersexual HuCow. Touching her clit makes her highly aroused, creating the hormones we need for our training! So it was a session on the milking frame in the barn, with continuous magic wand stimulation that finally revealed the first drop of milk for Cindy! We just need to keep her horny all of the time! The best way to do that is to enlarge her clit, so next time we will have to get the triple milking configuration out for Cindy!

Cindy and Nicole – double goat milker session

posted in: Goat Milker | 7

Our goat milker is a double machine, it can milk two HuCows at once, with the same pressure and speed. We love to pair up our HuCows, because they seem to find support in each other during these harsh training sessions. It’s especially useful to pair up an experienced (docile) HuCow like Cindy with a relatively new HuCow like Nicole. This way Nicole can learn that it is possible to get completely used to milking sessions, even if it still hurts her a lot at the moment. The difference is very visible when we apply the cups: Nicole’s pain face versus Cindy who does not even flinch. This is a dual machine, with the exact same vacuum power and speed. Cindy is used to getting milked while Nicole tries to deal with it. Poor Cindy can’t hug her friend until after the session, because they are both chained by the neck and handcuffed. It’s a very hard session for Nicole, her nipples are very sensitive and the machine doubles them in size! But there’s good news too: Nicole has started to lactate already!!

Cindy Dollar and Nicole Vice – friends milked

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 9

One girl we definitely had to get back (from our humble beginnings in January 2015) is the awesome Cindy Dollar, who got milked by the goat milker when no one really knew what that machine could do. She’s so brave! Today, she still looks awesome with juicy udders, and better yet, she has a friend who has great udders too! Together, they will be milked by the powerful red cow milker (4 boobs are perfect for the cow milker). These two friends are tough, they don’t want to let us know it really hurts a lot, so they are trying to keep a straight face. I even turned the speed up during milking, but these girls are hardy HuCows, they can take a lot! Very promising, and so great to see familiar faces flocking back to the farm!

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