Alice Maze – red cow milker songs

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 7

What sound does a HuCow make? Honestly, they are all different, but Alice Maze is definitely a rare breed. She is one of the most vocal HuCows. When she gets milked with the most powerful machine at the highest setting, she starts making moo-ing moans and high pitched wails, a beautiful song. It is hard to tell if the red cow milker is causing this French HuCow to sing out in pain or pleasure. Are they orgasms or is it really hurting her poor nipples that much? In any case, locked in the milking stocks, Alice gets one of her hardest milkings to date, and she gets so loud, the farmer eventually had to gag her to reduce the noise level a bit. Do you like loud or quiet (docile) HuCows?

Little Lanta – flying split HuCow

One of our favorite HuCows is the ultra flexible Little Lanta. She is small, cute, and very reluctant about milking (or even being touched). She still needs a lot of training, and it is going to be very hard for her. Fortunately, there is one way to make her sessions a little better: sexual stimulation. With her sensitive clit, Lanta is easy to distract. The farmer loves rigging up unbelievable contraptions for her, making full use of her flexibility. Swinging around in the barn in a flying split, Lanta is fitted with a locking orgasm belt. She is totally helpless against the strong vibrations of the magic wand, which gives the farmer the opportunity to pump her nipples fast and hard. Lanta still hated the session (she would rather do oral training), but it’s for her own good: she will be a good docile HuCow very soon!

Denise – HuCow life

posted in: Vacuum Therapy Machine | 19

Some people feel sorry for young Denise, she gets milked day after day. Is it really necessary to keep pumping this young girl as much as it is for older HuCows? The answer is of course: yes, it is required for Denise to get pumped at least once a day, as she has chosen the HuCow life. Her only purpose is to be kept for breeding and to produce milk. Hopefully we will get results in the next year, but we are not in a hurry because of her age. Maybe people feel sorry for Denise because she always looks sad during the sessions. She is very happy in fact, it’s just that her big young natural udders are very sensitive, especially her nipples. When she cries out as the farmer applies clover clamps, don’t worry. She knows it is for her own good. Clamps keep the nipples stretched after milking, it is all part of her HuCow life.
Want to visit Denise in our stables to comfort her and support her? That’s possible! Feel free to contact us to schedule your visit to the farm.

Kiki – sybian milking

posted in: Goat Milker, Sybian | 17

Poor Kiki has been milked so much in the past weeks, her udders and teats are ultra sensitive to the touch. She cries out even when the farmer touches her, as he keeps her in clover clamps all the time. Kiki was so happy that today is inspection day in the medical room. At least there won’t be any milking session…. or will there? When she entered the room, her heart sank as she saw the full size goat milker. It is definitely her most hated machine. Kiki’s teats are soft and big, so they get sucked into this machine painfully far. Then she spotted the Sybian… Kiki knows it is supposed to help her take her mind off the milking pains, but she is easily overstimulated, making a Sybian ride into a brain melting experience. This will be one of the most intense videos you have ever seen on this site!

Jada Sparks – fucked and sucked

Remember when we captured Jada Sparks? Click here to see it! She is a huge uddered HuCow who just needs regular milking sessions and a LOT of sexual stimulation. We moved her to the barn to put her on the fucking machine, which definitely had an effect on her! It was fucking her so good, Jada squirted all over the straw floor. But that’s not all, she also got her nipples quadrupled in size by the powerful electronic breast training machine. HuCow brainwashing works very simple: try to overload your HuCow with pleasure during painful pumping sessions and her brain will start to associate milking with something rewarding. We will have Jada turned into a docile HuCow very soon!

Sophie Elodie – curious HuCow

Can you believe it? I have Sophie Elodie in my barn! She was really curious about doing a session. Sophie is really cute, she loves bondage and submission, and her large udders have thick heavy steel rings pierced through her nipples. She’s perfect! I chained her nipple rings together and made her crawl to her pumping spot in the barn. I cuffed her hands behind her back and her neck to the milking frame. This first session was all about turning her ringed nipples into huge teats. This required a lot of oil and a lot of vacuum power, but her teats eventually filled the entire cups. Sophie was surprise at the speed and power, and I even gagged her so she could feel more objectified. I think she liked it a lot, she already asked me when the next session will be!
Don’t miss this update, if you like this content, please support me by joining the site so I can get more super star HuCows in my barn for you! Thank you!

Jasmine James – sybian and cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker (RED), Sybian | 12

We got another result!! Milk is starting to flow from Jasmine James’ udders! This is such good news, and it shows that every HuCow can be producing, if you just do enough sessions with enough pressure and stimulation. We milked Jasmine HARD this time. The red cow milker on full power, with an added Sybian for stimulation. Well, we weren’t planning on using the Sybian, but Jasmine was found in the barn playing with this machine so we used it in the session (but on a much higher setting). Jasmine is so cute! Can you believe those huge udders are now lactacting? There is so much more to do with Jasmine now, we need to keep her here for a while!!

Denise – breeding training

posted in: Breeding, Goat Milker | 23

Denise is a young resident HuCow with incredible potential. She is the one that is most often milked, at the highest settings. This lifestyle has made her completely docile. Simply put: Denise IS a HuCow. She can’t imagine any other life than this, and she is very happy at the farm, feeling safe and taken care of. We didn’t breed her yet because of her age, but now we decided to start giving her a frequent breeding ‘training’ sessions, so she knows what life will be like for her in the future. The farmer gives Denise a firm pounding while she is getting milked at high vacuum pressure with the goat milking machine. He takes care not to inseminate her yet. It’s not the perfect time yet, and Denise needs a lot more breeding ‘training’ sessions first. We might need some help with this, any volunteers?

Elizabeth – more cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 3

How do you solve this sensitive teat problem that Elizabeth has? More cow milker! And more clover clamps too. This update is not for the faint hearted, as Elizabeth is moaning and protesting very loudly, especially about the nipple clamps. And clover clamps AFTER milking is a definite hell for her. The red cow milker on full power made her teats even more sensitive, but Elizabeth knows there is only one way forward if she wants to be a good HuCow: more sessions, and harder sessions. She is a resident now (available for custom videos too), so she needs to step up and endure the pain and discomfort. It’s all for the best!

Emma Evans – intake

posted in: Oral Training | 8

Cute little Emma Evans is very eager to become a HuCow. She is only 19 and her udders are small, but she has been insisting on doing an intake at the farm for months now. Upon inspection, the farmer found a lot of promise in Emma Evans! Her main features are her HUGE labia, which show that she is ready for easy and frequent breeding! This will make her develop as a HuCow, grow her udders, and increase the size of her teats. Emma doesn’t need any training in submissiveness, she is already incredibly docile and eager. She even initiated oral training herself, to show the farmer how much she wants to be a HuCow. What do you think? Should we keep her?

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