Nora had been waiting for ages in the barn. Her nipples hurt a lot from the clover clamps she was wearing. She was completely naked and locked in a metal collar, very nervous about her first time as a HuCow. The farmer came in and fondled her udders. Her took off the clamps, which hurt Nora even more. Soon, she found herself restrained on milking frame, her udders dangling. The farmer tried to calm her down with a magic wand. Nora got very wet and aroused. Suddenly, her nipples felt the vacuum pressure of the milking machine. She was being vibrated and milked at the same time! Nora struggled but she couldn’t get away. The milking suction became stronger and faster, and the farmer turned up the vibrator too! After a while, Nora couldn’t hold it anymore, she came hard! After shutting down the milking machine, the farmer gave her one more high speed orgasm! Nora was unable to speak or walk for at least another hour after this session. So many sensations at once, it was HuCow brain overload!
HuCow 69 – red cow milker
HuCow 69 was purchased (rescued actually) from a failing farm. She turned out to be very well trained and promising. There’s milk in those big udders already! We just need to get it flowing again. Fortunately, we have the most powerful milker available: the red cow milker. Now this is not for the untrained HuCow, but 69 can handle a lot of torment on her nipples. Especially when she is blindfolded and stimulated with a magic wand to keep her mind occupied. The farmer relentlessly milks her with the red cow milker till she starts to drip milk. He immediately rewards her with a high speed magic wand orgasm, so HuCow 69’s mind will get conditioned that milk drops are a good thing. Very good indeed! Enjoy this perfect session, JOIN now to support our farm and possibly save more abandoned HuCows!
Liz milks Blondie
Well this is a bright new idea! Why not use one HuCow as a farmhand to milk the another one! New girl Blondie hasn’t been milked yet, but her huge udders were suckled by Liz already. It’s time to get Blondie on a machine! But first, we locked Liz in a steel milking bra with a double breast pump running continuously. Why wouldn’t the farmhand get milked too? It is brilliant. Liz works hard to get her friend used to her first milking session, ALL THE WHILE being pumped herself! Blondie is extremely sensitive, so Liz needed to pull out all of the tricks to milk her friend. Even the magic wand made an appearance!
Lucy Lauren – the pet
Lucy Lauren has very sensitive nipples. Remember her first time? And then her triple pumping? A lot of members have been concerned she would never be able to handle the red cow milker. But today is the day: Lucy Lauren is going on the red cow milker!! She has been trained very well, her pet skills are incredible. She can be gagged with a huge gag all the time, she will walk on her hands and knees, and she is very obedient. The farmer has a little fun with her before the session, leading her around in circles on a leash, and putting nipple clamps on her in preparation for the milking session. Of course, we are not completely evil here at, so we gave Lucy a high speed vibrator to make her session bearable. Soon she was a drooling moaning mess, while her nipples were pumped to triple the original size! Yes, it was very painful for her, but training is necessary, we can’t leave any of our herd behind!
Valentina Bianco – plugged and milked
Remember our HuCow Valentina Bianco? She was one of the first HuCows that got marked with the HuCow jewel butt plug color coding system (HJBPCCS), an idea that we had some time ago to plug all cows with jewel butt plugs. The color would indicate the type and experience of the HuCow. Pink was for new shy HuCows, and red for unruly/feisty ones (always use bondage with red plugged HuCows!). The system didn’t get used much since then, it’s not much help in daily life, but we have noticed that for some HuCows an anal plug takes their mind of harsh milking sessions. Valentina is still very scared, she needs a butt plug AND magic wand to help her through the milking sessions!
Cindy Dollar – induced
Another result! Cindy Dollar has been with us for a while and we tried a few things to get her body adjusted to her new life, like allowing her to bring a friend over, but inducing takes a while in some HuCows, and sometimes they require countless milking sessions. With Cindy, it was easy when we realized she is a hypersexual HuCow. Touching her clit makes her highly aroused, creating the hormones we need for our training! So it was a session on the milking frame in the barn, with continuous magic wand stimulation that finally revealed the first drop of milk for Cindy! We just need to keep her horny all of the time! The best way to do that is to enlarge her clit, so next time we will have to get the triple milking configuration out for Cindy!
Ariel – milked from above
Young Ariel has been through a lot already. She is always kept in bondage, because she can not be trusted yet, and her nipples need clamps most of the time to keep them prepared. Without bondage, Ariel would take off the clamps, she is not completely docile yet. The harsh clover clamps pinch her nipples so they become a little longer for better milking grip with our electronic breast training machine. She is chained to the wall, flat on her back, and the milking cups are dangling above her. She can’t move much, all she can do is lie there and get milked. It’s rather painful after a while, so we dangled a magic wand between her legs for a bit of distraction.
Liz – pump treatment
Liz did not have the easiest progress here at the farm. She was captured because of her puffy nipples, and her unique udder shape. She could use a bit more growth, so she was pumped and milked a lot over the past year. It’s very hard for her, because her pointy nipples get sucked into the cups very far. To make things more comfortable for her, we tried to add sexual stimulation to every session. Today is no different. Liz is in the HuCow checkup room, strapped to the bed, her mouth spread open with a dental gag. She will be milked by the electronic breast training machine. The farmer uses a magic wand to help Liz’s brain process the discomfort of this treatment. And there’s result! A little drop of milk appears from her nipples!
Little Lanta – Hucow pet training
It is not easy to transform girls into docile HuCows. They need to be trained daily, and there are many things they need to learn. Little Lanta is already quite far in her training, but she still needs her lessons. This flexible girl knows she is not allowed to speak, she crawls along on a leash, and she drinks from a cattle bucket. Lanta is also used to being in her cage when she is not needed for sessions. Today, you will see her doing some more training, including nipple suckers, getting oiled, groped, and massaged without flinching, inserting a buttplug, and getting vibrated in a vulnerable position. Little Lanta is such a cute pet slave! She is tiny, but she will make a great HuCow!!
HuCow 54 – red cow milker
Remember the mature HuCow 54 we purchased from another farm? She is our most experienced HuCow, having been treated very harshly by her previous owner. She is earmarked with number 54, and almost permanently gagged and blindfolded. Her only use in life is to get milked. HuCow 54’s udders are soft, supple, and her nipples have been elongated and enlarged from all those sessions. But her previous farm did not have a red cow milker! This is the most powerful of our milkers, and HuCow 54 has never done a session with it. We added a magic wand to keep her HuCow brain occupied, as we introduced the full power of the red milker to her teats. As expected, her nipples became HUGE after this session. And then we did the one thing you should not try at home with your HuCow: we clamped her nipples after milking! HuCow 54 is very experienced, but even for her that was incredibly painful and sensitive! Watch the video now!