Little Vina! Her udders have tripled in size now since her curiosity first led her to our facilities. But she will never be finished with her HuCow training. Vina needs regular sessions to keep her in top HuCow shape, as well as stimulation to get her hormone level up so we get her to a productive level. She has leaked a few drops here and there, but we think her body is almost ready for production. Her mind definitely is ready. This is all she has ever wanted. To be used as a HuCow, not having to think, the machines and the farmer doing all the work. We strap her on the milking frame, and we attach her harness gag to an ass hook so she can not even move her head. In fact, she can not move at all now! She is just an object, hooked to a goat milker. We even use a dildo stick to train her mind to associate milking with pleasure. And (as always) that has a big effect on little Vina!
Tiny new cow Cherry
New HuCow Cherry is tiny! She is about 5 feet tall, but she has quite fabulous udders for her size! She was very nervous and afraid for her first session, but we discovered something interesting: after stripping her clothes off and collaring her, we found she was wearing a cute jewel buttplug! We were just thinking of introducing a colored buttplug system to mark our HuCows! Different colors can indicate various stages of training, so what do you (comment below) think the color coding system should be? Cherry was wearing a pink plug, which could be for new HuCows. She was cuffed to the milking bed, and she shuddered when the cold oil was applied to her udders. The powerful goat milker cups and hoses are quite heavy and unsupported, so her udders were stretched and milked at the same time. Cherry was whimpering softly, the power was overwhelming but there was nothing she could do to stop it. Welcome to your new world, Cherry!!
Cindy and Nicole – double goat milker session
Our goat milker is a double machine, it can milk two HuCows at once, with the same pressure and speed. We love to pair up our HuCows, because they seem to find support in each other during these harsh training sessions. It’s especially useful to pair up an experienced (docile) HuCow like Cindy with a relatively new HuCow like Nicole. This way Nicole can learn that it is possible to get completely used to milking sessions, even if it still hurts her a lot at the moment. The difference is very visible when we apply the cups: Nicole’s pain face versus Cindy who does not even flinch. This is a dual machine, with the exact same vacuum power and speed. Cindy is used to getting milked while Nicole tries to deal with it. Poor Cindy can’t hug her friend until after the session, because they are both chained by the neck and handcuffed. It’s a very hard session for Nicole, her nipples are very sensitive and the machine doubles them in size! But there’s good news too: Nicole has started to lactate already!!
Katie – treatment
Our HuCows spend most of their time in the barn, but for special treatment we also have an excellent medical facility. Katie always needs more pumping, and we were wondering if tight straps around her udders would give any results. The increased pressure will definitely help, but it also makes her nipples much more sensitive. We shackled her to the hospital bed for an afternoon and it was a beautiful sight to see those huge orbs strapped tight. Even on her back, Katie is one of the best in our herd! We oiled and milked her, a perfect treatment for a perfect HuCow. We hope you enjoy the spectacular views in this update, it is rare to see a HuCow being milked in this position. Maybe we should do this more often? Which HuCows do you think would be suitable for this treatment?
Cory is back
Remember Cory? She was part of our herd in at the start of this website more than 2 years ago. A very promising HuCow with big udders, but Cory never seemed to like her sessions, even though she responded very well to her obedience training. She escaped our attention and we lost her for a long time (she even left the country!). We have now finally captured her again, and we want to try to give her a calm session on the milking bed. You see, we didn’t have the milking bed yet when Cory was around. Maybe she will like this more? We know she won’t, because she actually got her nipples pierced in the meantime to prevent any more milkings from happening to her! We don’t care, we just put her on the goat milker, even with her piercings that is no problem! Welcome back, Cory!
Darina – milked on a Sybian
This idea might be too crazy, but what about milking a girl ON a Sybian? ‘What is a Sybian?’, you might ask… well it is the most powerful vibrator (by far) ever made. And you can sit on it. We showed it to our awesome young HuCow Darina and she was intrigued. She wanted to try it! We had to strap her down good though, this is a crazy ride! We handcuffed her and strapped her legs to prevent her from lifting her weight off the machine, and we added a harness gag to… well it just looks good on her. This is probably the most intense milking session you have ever seen! The tremendous power of the Sybian actually made the barn vibrate! We know from previous sessions that it helps our girls to associate the milking discomfort with pleasure, but this machine might be too much pleasure! Darina was totally exhausted after this session! Poor girl…
What do you think? More milking and Sybian? Or is it too much?
Liz – milking orgasm overload
Liz is such a perfect HuCow, even though she does not want to be one. Her udders are shaped like teats with huge puffy nipples, she is perfect for milking! We are so happy with her in the barn. Liz is not happy at all, she is shaky and nervous, as she remembers her previous harsh sessions all too well. It’s time for Liz to enjoy it a little more, we figured. We need to brainwash her, using sexual stimulation, so her brain associates hard milking with sexual pleasure. What better way to do that than a fucking machine! Liz is pounded by the high speed fucking machine in an effort to make her orgasm continuously during her session on the goat milker. It worked, she came and came until she was a sobbing mess! She made so much noise we were not sure if she was crying or cumming, and we think Liz wasn’t sure either. We blew her brain with this fucking and milking overload… don’t worry, she will get used to this life!
Alais – gagged on the milking bed
Alais is a special HuCow. She gets really turned on by milking sessions, and even by simple bondage. But she is also very sensitive. Her large natural udders can’t take much, and her nipples get sore from all the machines we have been using on her. Still, we need to continue her sessions to make her into a perfect HuCow. To stop her protests and whining, we tightly ballgagged her this time. This will hopefully tell her brain that speaking is not a HuCow thing, especially during milking. In time, we can probably remove the gag, but for now it is a good tool to assiociate milking with ‘no protesting’. Of course, Alais still moans a lot when we use the goat milker on her. It is just making her nipples so sensitive she can’t keep quiet. That’s ok, we will just have to give her more sessions to get her completely docile.
Penny Lee – treadmill
One of our most requested HuCows is back: Penny Lee! After her previous sessions, Penny has become a little more used to her training. She patiently waits by the treadmill to see what will be happening to her today. She still shakes her head a little, as if she wants to say ‘please no’, but the farmer is strict: Penny will have to get some exercise today! It’s the treadmill and goat milker for Penny and there is no stopping this training! She is cuffed to the treadmill, so she can’t reach the controls, and the goat milker will relentlessly milk her udders during her workout. This helps to take her mind off the milking pain and it will keep her in top shape as well. The goat milker is so powerful she can’t shake it off even if she was running full speed. Penny will have to jog along, getting milked at the same time! Fun to watch, not so much fun for her!
Chessie Kay – fucked and milked
Chessie Kay has got some very sensitive nipples! Even a short time on the goat milker will make her nipples double in size and the milking is quite painful for her. But we wanted to milk her today at a high power setting, so she needed some distraction from the uncomfortable nipple vacuum torture. What better way for a horny girl like Chessie than to use the fucking machine to help her through this hard milking session! The fucking machine is great, and Chessie did a little better during the powerful milking, but we decided to remove the fucking machine halfway to tease her a little. Chessie’s huge udders are fun to play with, and this session more than doubled her nipples in size! Great results, but Chessie is still not a very happy HuCow. Let’s hope she will settle in soon!