Look at these two tiny Chinese additions to the herd! Ting and WeiWei are so young and cute! It is time to begin their training, a long journey ahead of them, to get fully trained as HuCows and get used to regular milking sessions. They are very shy and afraid, so I decided to let them milk each other (instead of both at the same time), this way they can offer comfort and support during the harsh milking sessions. Ting knows it is her turn today. But WeiWei isn’t happy about this either. She loves her friend so much, it really hurts her to have to put the vicious goat milker on Ting’s nipples. The machine is set to high power, so it is a painful first experience. Ting’s nipples are huge at the end of this session! WeiWei is doing her very best to offer her support, but both girls are terrified of their future life. Will they learn to handle a HuCow life?
Maggy earned her bell
Maggy is our most promising HuCow. Her udders are the largest of our herd, and by far the heaviest. They have very good veins and they are always full. We just need to get her flow going! Let’s try the goat milker this time. It’s a bit vicious, because the see through cups can have a bit of a sting, but Maggy is getting used to being milked. She still moans a lot, but little smiles are starting to break through, as if she is thankful someone finally is milking her to relieve the pressure in her gigantic udders. Let’s keep milking her every day and hope for the best!
Katie – kneeling frame
We were so happy to be able to move Katie to the barn! She is now at home, where she belongs! Katie is our number 1 HuCow, judging by member response, so we will show her more often, in her routine milking sessions. Katie is completely used to being hooked to the machines now. She does not complain, and she would even do it herself, but we have received the request for more bondage, so we cuffed and gagged her anyway. Just feeling the weight of her udders is very impressive. They are seriously heavy! She will need more sessions! Always more… it will never stop.
Katz in the new barn!
We keep expanding our herd so rapidly, we had to get a separate barn to house and milk some of our HuCows! It is really nice and cozy, with straw and many attachment points for chains and cuffs. Katz is the first one to be milked in this new barn, she is chained to the wall by her collar, but she does not need any other bondage today. She is very docile, and knows what needs to be done. She voluntarily massages her udders with oil to make them supple and shiny. Katz then switches on the goat milker (which is still on full power) and puts the cups on her nipples. She is such a good girl! She felt right at home in the new cozy barn!
Angelica – extra stimulation
Most of our cows are not producing yet, so we have been looking into ways of speeding up the process by extra stimulation. Some members suggested that horniness might increase hormone flow and therefore could have a positive effect on production. Our German cow Angelica is the first test subject for this theory. We locked her to a milking frame on all fours, and installed a fucking machine behind her. This way we can control the speed of the fucking machine as well as the milking machine, stimulating her from both sides. Hooked to the vicious goat milker and gagged, Angelica produced a few interesting moans (complaining? enjoying?) as the speed of the fucking machine was turned up. Let’s hope this works!
Daisy & Buttercup – Milking must go on
Some days the hucows are feeling a bit poorly, sniffing and complaining, but the milking must go on! Daily milking sessions are important to get some results in the end. Daisy and Buttercup are still in the early stages of their training. They obediently lock their collars to the milking frame, but they are chatting way too much, so I had to ballgag them (despite their colds), which made breathing harder and caused more drooling. But they know they should not talk, so it’s their own fault. Also, the goat milker was still on a higher speed setting, but I couldn’t be bothered to turn it down again, so it really wasn’t a very lucky day for these ladies! Oh well, the milking must go on!
Alais – high speed milking
Poor Alais! This posh UK hucow is just too curious! She wandered into the stables again, and she found our milking frame. She was intrigued by the heavy shackles, but quickly said ‘oh no, not for me!’, remembering her painful sessions from before. For some reason, Alais always gets exhausted from milking, even more than any of our other girls. Maybe she is out of shape and she just needs more training. We tried to find out by capturing her, locking her to the frame and milking her with the vicious goat milker. And then turning the milker up to high speed! Alais was furious! But she was too tired to talk, her big udders being relentlessly milked by the machine. Great session!
Tammy from next door
Our very own neighbor girl Tammy walked in this week! She was just curious about our farm, and she decided to have a look for herself. She loves animals! But she did not find any animals, just a strange frame with an even stranger machine next to it. We have always wanted to milk Tammy, we have been looking at her for a few years. Now 20 years old, Tammy has developed the softest and most gorgeous boobs you can imagine! We couldn’t pass up this opportunity: we captured Tammy and satisfied her curiosity: a nice (quite high speed) session on the vicious goat milker, to get those soft udders developing. She was fighting at first, but the milking was so exhausting she eventually gave up. Let’s see if she will ever be brave enough to return to our farm!
Lulu – high speed milk maid
Lulu’s mature big natural udders need daily care, massage, and milking! That is a lot of work! Fortunately, we have a farmhand to help with Lulu’s caretaking (if you’d like to apply too, please write us an email!). These huge milk maid udders have been milked a lot, so today it is time to step it up a little and change the speed of the goat milker! The nipples are pulled into the cups much further with high speed milking, which is a little bit more unpleasant, so we had to shackle Lulu to the milking frame on all fours to prevent her from bolting or moving too much. She is becoming a very well-trained cow, but she needs to get used to higher speeds. Starting today.
Katie – good results
We were just milking Katie, as we do every day. Her udders have become very very heavy and she really wants to start producing milk to get some of that milk out. She is such a friendly docile hucow now, she will not protest being locked into the milking frame, and she loves her udder massages. After a short session on the goat milker, she suddenly exclaimed: ‘Wait! I think something is happening!’. We stopped the milking just to see what she meant, and she said: ‘I think some milk came out’. And there it was! A few drops were in the milking tubes, already on their way to the big bucket. Soon we will have our best hucow producing lots of milk every day! This is looking good!