Cute little HuCow Zoey Ziptie has developed some really good udders already. Her teats are pierced with rings for easy attachment and extra sensitivity. The large rings barely fit into the goat milker cups, but the farmer is an expert. He locks Zoey in the milking stocks, she can’t move at all. Wrists, neck, and ankles are secured, so the farmer can take his time milking this drooly HuCow submissive. It’s pretty harsh for pierced nipples to get puffed and milked, it will makes them so sensitive that Zoey flinches at the slightest touch after this session. You can probably guess what happened next: tight clover clamps! The worst thing after a high power milking session, but Zoey will have to deal with it… she is stuck in the stocks after all.
Denise – sybian and goat milker
Training continues for permanent resident HuCow Denise. She is young, so there is still time to build HuCow neural connections in her brain that link milking with sexual stimulation. It is very important that Denise will associate harsh nipple pumping with clitoral pleasure, so her milking sessions will be easier and she will even DESIRE more sessions. The sybian is a perfect training tool for this (get one if your farm doesn’t have one!), it is the most powerful vibrator in the world, every HuCow WILL have strong orgasms with this device, it is very intense. Denise is almost trained enough to do this herself, she is become very docile. As a resident HuCow, she is always available for your custom videos, so if you have any special challenges or fantasies, now is the time to order your own Denise video!
Elizabeth – goat milker
Elizabeth is having a very painful time at the barn. But remember: she signed up this herself!! Now she is a resident (available for custom videos!), and she may be regretting her life choice. Her nipples just might be too sensitive to be a HuCow. The farmer tries solving this by milking her relentlessly, locking her in a chastity belt (to keep her in heat) and distract her by giving her a big buttplug to wear. It doesn’t help much. Elizabeth’s udders are perfect and super soft, which means they get sucked very far into the goat milker cups. Even lots of oil does not help against this much teat stretching! Maybe the clover clamps at the end are too much, what do you think?
Samantha Kiss – new BBW HuCow
The farmer captured a new HuCow! Samantha Kiss seems to be pretty docile and meek. After inspection, the farmer concludes that she could become a prime milker with her big (very heavy) udders, and her very receptive breeding hole. Samantha would need regular pumping sessions to get started, and no time is wasted on transporting her to the barn as quickly as possible. Strapped onto the milking frame, Samantha is milked with the goat milker on the highest setting. Samantha also receives a lot of sexual stimulation with a magic wand, and even an inflatable dildo. In the evening, the farmer just turns off the lights in the barn, leaving Samantha all alone, goat milker and magic wand still running!
We are thinking about adding this new HuCow to the ‘Want-to-be-a-farmer’ program, for anyone interested in such an experience.
Now available!! HuCow tags, like Samantha is wearing in this update. Order yours here!
Kiki – sybian milking
Poor Kiki has been milked so much in the past weeks, her udders and teats are ultra sensitive to the touch. She cries out even when the farmer touches her, as he keeps her in clover clamps all the time. Kiki was so happy that today is inspection day in the medical room. At least there won’t be any milking session…. or will there? When she entered the room, her heart sank as she saw the full size goat milker. It is definitely her most hated machine. Kiki’s teats are soft and big, so they get sucked into this machine painfully far. Then she spotted the Sybian… Kiki knows it is supposed to help her take her mind off the milking pains, but she is easily overstimulated, making a Sybian ride into a brain melting experience. This will be one of the most intense videos you have ever seen on this site!
Denise – breeding training
Denise is a young resident HuCow with incredible potential. She is the one that is most often milked, at the highest settings. This lifestyle has made her completely docile. Simply put: Denise IS a HuCow. She can’t imagine any other life than this, and she is very happy at the farm, feeling safe and taken care of. We didn’t breed her yet because of her age, but now we decided to start giving her a frequent breeding ‘training’ sessions, so she knows what life will be like for her in the future. The farmer gives Denise a firm pounding while she is getting milked at high vacuum pressure with the goat milking machine. He takes care not to inseminate her yet. It’s not the perfect time yet, and Denise needs a lot more breeding ‘training’ sessions first. We might need some help with this, any volunteers?
Kerry – new milking stocks
We have some sturdy new milking stocks for inescapable and comfortable pumping sessions! It’s a very nice position which leaves the udders dangling free and gives rear access for stimulation and spanking. Kerry was the first one to try it, and she did very well! She has grown so much as a HuCow, now accepting her sessions without complaints. Well, she is always gagged of course, but she is no longer backing away from the farmer’s hands and she is a very easy HuCow to milk. The goat milker was set at the highest level, to give Kerry’s teats that extra stretch. At the end of the session, the farmer made sure to keep that stretch by clover clamping her nipples and adding a weight to the chain. Painful, but it is necessary to improve Kerry’s awesome udders even more!
Emily Addams – more training
Emily Addams is a super cute and very submissive HuCow! She definitely is becoming a farm favorite over here, with her amazing ability to multi task! Emily can be milked while she happily provides oral services, as a lucky farm hand finds out today. The strong goat milker left some bruising on her teats, but that’s all part of the training, it is not a subtle way of life! Even with very painful nipples, Emily continues her oral training, eager to get better in deep throating. She is one of the cutest HuCows, trying so hard to fit in with the herd! Her reward? Extremely painful clover clamps on her teats. Don’t worry, Emily feels right at home here at the farm!
Cleo on the milking bed
New HuCow Cleo was taken to the facilities very unexpectedly, when she was getting ready for her shower. She’s not actually a HuCow, but a regular business lady who just happens to have a body shape that is of interest to us farmers. Cleo is very slim with huge long soft udders. The farmer was so intrigued, he HAD to add her to the herd. Now Cleo is getting used to her new life, although the tight locking steel udder bands are still very new to her. They are making her udders even heavier, so she wants to support them all the time with her arms. The farmer has trained Cleo to keep her udders oiled, so the skin will remain perfect even during milking with heavy cups like the goat milker. Today, Cleo doesn’t have to worry about supporting her udders, she will be quite comfortable on the milking bed, with those long unique udders dangling down the milking hole.
Kiki – the milking stand
Kiki’s nipples just keep growing! Look how big they are already! From the moment she decided she wanted to be a HuCow, she dedicated her life to the farm, and her dream has come true. The farmer has chosen her for oral training, and even breeding… Kiki is a very lucky HuCow! Today, she will go on the milking stand, a comfortable yet strict frame that leaves her udders free and dangling. The goat milker is a strong machine, and Kiki’s nipples are about to get much bigger still! She loves the pumping, but her nipples get ultra sensitive, which is why she almost breaks the frame when the farmer applies mean clover clamps AND hangs a weight from them. Kiki did so well… she deserves a nice oral training session after this!
The oral scene is a bonus available to members, just email me at [email protected] to receive the full update including this bonus scene.