Cindy Dollar – clamped before and after

Cindy Dollar is one of our long time residents. She is well trained but we still gag and restrain her. Milking sessions are usually going very well, the only thing she hates is nipple clamps. Unfortunately, they are part of the training program, because they stretch the nipples. And stretched nipples reach further into the milking tubes for more efficient milking. With Cindy, a little drop of milk usually already comes out on the preclamping!
Of course, if there is one thing that all HuCows hate more than nipple clamps before their session, it is nipple clamps AFTER their session. Imagine how painful it is to have your ultra sensitive nipples clamped AGAIN after milking. Exactly what happened to Cindy this time. She wasn’t happy. Good thing we still gag and restrain her!

Arabella – banded udders

Arabella is a unique HuCow! Our redhead submissive slave girl is incredibly gifted, she has it all! Large and very soft udders that can be banded and locked to extend them for easy milking. And even when her udders are tightly banded, her nipples stay soft and can be extended AS WELL! You can see them get pumped beyond the white rim of the milking cups, which means they get stretched more than 3 times, even with banded udders! Arabella can also take HUGE ballgags. She’s often not too happy about her situation, so she needs constant bondage and even a chastity belt, but that’s only a minor issue. Hard super stretching milking on the milking bed with banded udders! An update like you have never seen before!

Lisa on the treadmill

Our freckled redhead HuCow Lisa needs some exercise, like all HuCows! We try to keep our herd fit and happy, but there’s not much space for them to move around. So the treadmill is a perfect solution. And why not milk her at the same time? Efficiency is important on any farm! Lisa can handle huge ballgags, which means she can only breathe through her nose. That’s pretty hard when you are running on a treadmill getting milked! The bell on her collar clanged nicely as we made her run fast during this training session. Her nipples were very swollen at the end. And Lisa? Well, she was exhausted!!

HuCow 38 – nipple training

With the recent purchase of HuCow 38 from a struggling farmer, we are kept quite busy with all these newcomers. They all need to be milked, oiled, massaged, and stimulated very regularly. Fortunately, HuCow 38 was already used to this training regime, and all we have to do is give her regular sessions with our machine. But we think her nipples could use a little enlargement still. We pump them hard with the electronic breast training machine, almost quadrupling them in size. We used a new style of milking frame, HuCow 38 is bent over very far, with her head chained back, for optimal access to her udders. After this session, we do the thing all HuCows fear most: putting clover clamps on ultra sensitive nipples! Good thing HuCow 38 was chained down, or she would have bolted! The very painful nipple clamping made her produce some ‘moo’ sounds. She’s a good girl!!

Kerry – cute cow

Kerry is still having problems with her regular milking sessions. So she needs more training to help her get used to the machines. Kerry is very cute, with her braids and her big submissive eyes! We start her off with some nipple suckers to puff her up, then we lock her in a new position on the milking frame. This is actually a very interesting position, we might use it more in the future! It’s soon time to rip off the nipple suckers and get some real suction going on Kerry’s cute udders. She whimpers in her gag… will she ever get used to this life?

Diamondly’s nipple enlargement training

Young HuCow Diamondly was very scared at her initial intake, because we wasted no time in pumping her udders to triple their size. Now it’s her cute nipples that will undergo enlargement training, and Diamondly is panicking… she is not ready for this. We had to gag her with a big gag, but she still wouldn’t stop struggling and moaning. The only solution we could think of is to put her on the Sybian, the most powerful vibrator in the world. This is often the only way to distract new HuCows from the discomfort of vacuum treatments. We had to turn up the Sybian very high, resulting in countless orgasms for this poor young girl. You have never seen a HuCow more exhausted at the end of a session, Diamondly was completely spent. Training sessions are never easy, but we have high hopes this beautiful specimen will get used to her new life over the next years.

HuCow 69 – promising

Remember our series of new purchases? HuCow 69 was one of them. She had really well developed udders and her previous farmer had really milked her regularly. It showed, because she produced some drops already on her first session on the goat milker! We are still keeping her blindfolded and gagged to get her used to the new farm. HuCow 69 will need to continue her milking schedule, her big udders are full and heavy. We prepare her with nipple suckers and boob cuffs to get the milk towards the nipples, and they we milk her hard with the electronic breast training machine. We got the same result: more drops! This is very promising. Let’s see where we can get with this one!

Valentina Bianco – plugged and milked

Remember our HuCow Valentina Bianco? She was one of the first HuCows that got marked with the HuCow jewel butt plug color coding system (HJBPCCS), an idea that we had some time ago to plug all cows with jewel butt plugs. The color would indicate the type and experience of the HuCow. Pink was for new shy HuCows, and red for unruly/feisty ones (always use bondage with red plugged HuCows!). The system didn’t get used much since then, it’s not much help in daily life, but we have noticed that for some HuCows an anal plug takes their mind of harsh milking sessions. Valentina is still very scared, she needs a butt plug AND magic wand to help her through the milking sessions!

Cindy Dollar – triple pumped

Cindy Dollar is one of our easiest HuCows. She still needs bondage, but we can basically do anything to her. She is often used to test new machines and positions. Like today, when we wanted to find out if the vacuum power for triple pumping can be even higher than we ever tried. It would be very hard to get through a session like this, but if anyone can do it, it’s Cindy! It’s great to see clit pumping work so well, her clit becomes swollen right away and it pops out of hiding. The strong vacuum means that her nipples are tripled in size right from the start, and they will go up to four times by the end of the session, almost filling the cups! Of course, once the pumping stops, everything seems to go back to normal and many people have asked what the purpose is of this training. The answer is in stretching! Skin stretching is the most important step in growth! Nipples need to be pulled as often as possible, by clamps or vacuum power!

Cherry – powerful udder expansion

Cherry had her udders pierced! It doesn’t stop us from keeping her as a HuCow, we have milked pierced nipples before. But what we really want to do is to test how much power Cherry can take on the udder expansion machine today! It is not going to be easy, so we have to restrain and gag her. Cherry needs a lot of discipline and training. She doesn’t have the HuCows mindset yet, and she certainly doesn’t enjoy her sessions. We pump her udders extremely hard, trying to get her piercings to touch the cups. It is a harsh training for Cherry today, but it has to be done.

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