Jade Samantha – filled cups!

The breast training machine is great for udder enhancement, but we are still looking for the best way to use it. Maybe the milking bed will provide the position we need? Our reluctant HuCow Jade Samantha already has great udders, but there’s always room for improvement. Besides, we have to keep training her, she still moans too much. Using the plastic breast cups on her with the very powerful vacuum machine will hopefully give us some nice results!
Jade didn’t really like this training, it was quite extreme because we had to test out all of the preprogrammed milking settings on the machine. Some where very harsh (and fast) and soon Jade’s udders were filling the cups to the max! These are the best results we have seen so far! We left the machine running for a long time, just to make sure, and Jade hated us (again). Life of a HuCow is not easy…

Little Caprice – strange noises

Well, we had to get Little Caprice on the electronic breast training machine of course. She is a petite girl with small udders, so we need to make them a bit bigger. The problem is, Caprice has a really small chest so the cup shape doesn’t match the curve of her ribcage. This means that some air is escaping from the sides of the cups, creating a very strange farting sound. Don’t worry though, the machine sucks out more air than can escape from the side, so Caprice’s small udders will be stretched into the cups quite a bit. She did not like this treatment at all, but it has to be done. It was a very surreal experience, one of the most famous teen babes in our breast treatment room, having her udders pumped, with some very strange noises accompanying her moans and struggling. With some added infrared therapy, we managed to almost stretch her to double size though, that is quite a good result when a HuCow is lying on her back!

Darina – breast training machine

Aw young Darina has come such a long way in her training! Today it’s time for her medical check, because it is very important ALL HuCows in our herd have regular health checks. We want a healthy herd! A medical is also a great opportunity to get some time on the breast training machine done. Darina hates her medical checks, she would rather be chained to the wall in the barn, but it has to be done.
We start her off with some nipple suckers, because her nipples still could use a little growth. Her udders are coming along nicely for her age, but we still use the electronic breast training machine to soften her tissue and make her udders bigger by powerful suction. This is a rather uncomfortable process, so we try to help Darina along by giving her some pleasure at the same time.
Darina is dental gagged for this entire procedure, not really necessary with her (because she is already very docile) but it helps her focus on her training. She is definitely one of our youngest and most promising HuCows, and we can’t wait to see what else we can do to her to make her reach the next level. If you are a member and you have any requests for Darina’s training, please send us an email! We love to fulfill member requests, so let us know if you have any great setups or positions in mind for this valuable cute HuCow!

Liz – puffy nipples

We found a new HuCow! Stripper girls are great, because they show us their udders voluntarily and we can easily see if they’re suitable. Well, Liz is VERY suitable to become a permanent HuCow! She has the most beautiful pointy udders you have ever seen, with very large puffy nipples. Her udder shape and nipple size make her perfect for milking. After her capture, we hooked her straight on to the electronic breast training machine to find out how much growth potential there is with Liz. She was confused and scared of course, but don’t worry, she will get used to her new life soon!

Ulysse – feisty French hucow

Cute French hucow Ulysse just doesn’t want to submit! Maybe her introduction was a little harsh (straight on the red cow milker), but she is hard to tame and that doesn’t make her training easier. Her udders are nice and soft, and not actually that small, but we thought it would be a good idea to increase their size a little on the electronic breast training machine. The special bra we are using is great for keeping the cups in place, but Ulysse found a way to fight the suction, even with her hands and feet cuffed. She was getting more and more tired though, and she almost couldn’t fight anymore, especially when the machine suddenly built up pressure and got a firm hold on her udders, sucking them all the way in, increasing their size almost by three times. It’s a beautiful struggle, one worth watching over and over again.

Britney – tube training

We need to get Britney’s udders to grow, so she doesn’t feel so intimidated when she is being milked together with her best friend Roxy. We tried the traditional method: a session on the breast training machine, and we got a little result already! But she will need many breast training sessions to allow her tissue to grow. We can’t go too fast either. Today, we will try a different approach: we have some new boob tubes that will stretch her udders and suck them at the same time. Hooked up to the electronic breast training machine, we can regulate pressure and release time, and with a little massage oil her small udders will be sucked quite far into these tubes! Locked to the all-fours-frame, Britney will have to endure some strong suction power, but it is all for a good cause!

Britney – breast training machine

Remember when Roxy brought her friend Britney over? This new girl Britney had smaller udders than Roxy, so we thought it would be fair to put her on the breast training machine to increase her volume a little. Unfortunately, the electronic breast training machine is not a very subtle device. It will stretch the udders up to 4 times their original size by relentless pumping. The girl has to be fully restrained so she can’t interfere with the process. Britney goes through a long treatment of pumping and enlarging, and even infrared tissue stimulation. The bad news is: one session on this machine is not enough, she needs to do this daily to grow bigger udders!

Vina – bigger and bigger

Do you remember when Vina first came to us!? Check it out here (click), you will not believe it! Her udders were a modest A-cup! After a year of training and regular sessions, her udder size has been increased to a D-cup! How? Well, tissue stimulation and regular pumping of course! Today, you can download one of those sessions, where little Vina is subjected to the power of the electronic breast training machine. Her udders are enlarged so much by this machine, you have to see it to believe it! Her left boob is doing even better than her right one, but they are both definitely getting huge! We even use infrared and electro stimulation this time. Vina has become very docile and patient during these sessions, she knows that this is good for her in the end!

Extreme breast training

Slave Y380 applied to our stables, she wants to be a HuCow very bad. But her udders are quite small, so she will have to undergo the electronic breast training machine to see if we can loosen up that tissue and increase her breast volume. To demonstrate the power of this device, we set it at a pretty extreme setting. It is a painful procedure for Slave Y380, but she needs to go through with this if she wants to join the herd. Her udders are very sensitive, and they are turning red very quickly because of the blood being drawn to the surface by the extremely powerful vacuum. Let’s hope this session worked, because it would be torture to go through this again!

Vina’s success story

Vina is one of the most successful HuCows in our stables! She started as an eager 19-year old wannabe cow, with very small boobs, but with a huge desire to become a permanent HuCow. She worked very hard, was milked many times, and even went on the breast training device to get bigger udders, a painful but necessary process. Remember her Cow Milker session where she wanted MORE after the milking was finished? She is so amazing, some members have lovingly nicknamed her ‘Bovina’. And look at her now! Her udders have grown so much (yes you will not believe this)! Now we turn our attention to her nipples, they need to be elongated. We use a very special configuration, with the electronic breast training machine and special nipple cups, her nipples are stretched to the max and then milked and pulsated. We even stimulate her a little, sexually, to get her hormones going. Don’t miss today’s update!!

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