Little Lanta – red cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 10

Our little captured gymnast girl is ready for the red cow milker now! That’s always an exciting moment in a HuCow’s training program. Cute Little Lanta doesn’t seem to be very excited about it though. She is leashed to the milking station with a heavy chain, waiting for what is to come. The farmer pats her on the head to make this little pet HuCow at ease, but Little Lanta is still scared. And rightly so: the red cow milker is the most powerful machine and her perfect round udders are very sensitive. She knows it is part of her training, but she is definitely not looking forward to so much power on her poor nipples!

Little Caprice – pumped hard

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 9

Little Caprice is still a little arrogant in our barn. She is a big star you know! She would never ever let anyone squeeze her cute udders. Her behavior makes the farmer a little bit more forgetful… on purpose. For example, he ‘forgot’ the Red Cow Milker was still on super high speed. Little Caprice gets the surprise of her life when the cups are applied. The most powerful machine at high speed without any oil on her udders! Locked by her neck, wrists, and ankles, there is not much Caprice can do, her little udders are dangling freely, for the farmer to do as he wants. The most famous girls need the most training, they are always a bit spoiled and not used to being treated like this. Caprice on the Red Cow Milker again, you don’t want to miss this!

Ariel – red cow milker and fucking machine

posted in: Cow Milker (RED), Fucking Machine | 4

Big uddered teen HuCow Ariel will now have a session on the most powerful machine: the red cow milker. Since her capture, she has only been milked with the goat milker. This is also a very powerful machine, and she needed sexual stimulation and association to train her little HuCow brain into liking her milking sessions. Unfortunately, she is still very uncomfortable getting milked, so that means full bondage and a lot of sexual stimulation so Ariel will learn to love her sessions in the future. Especially today, since we are now hooking her up to the red cow milker. Without bondage she would bolt, and without any stimulation she would focus too much on her hurting nipples. It’s a harsh treatment for a young HuCow, but it’s part of the training!

HuCow 54 – red cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker (RED), Magic Wand | 18

Remember the mature HuCow 54 we purchased from another farm? She is our most experienced HuCow, having been treated very harshly by her previous owner. She is earmarked with number 54, and almost permanently gagged and blindfolded. Her only use in life is to get milked. HuCow 54’s udders are soft, supple, and her nipples have been elongated and enlarged from all those sessions. But her previous farm did not have a red cow milker! This is the most powerful of our milkers, and HuCow 54 has never done a session with it. We added a magic wand to keep her HuCow brain occupied, as we introduced the full power of the red milker to her teats. As expected, her nipples became HUGE after this session. And then we did the one thing you should not try at home with your HuCow: we clamped her nipples after milking! HuCow 54 is very experienced, but even for her that was incredibly painful and sensitive! Watch the video now!

Clara – red cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 9

Clara! Remember this girl with her huge natural udders? She did her first session on the milking bed, her udders swaying, getting pumped by the goat milker. Now it is time for the most powerful machine: the red cow milker. Can she do it? She needs to be treated quite gently, the farmer softly squeezes and strokes her udders to make her feel at ease. This is going to be a hard session for Clara! We all know it needs to be done, Clara has huge potential as a HuCow! She needs full restraints still, but it looks like she is getting more docile already!

Liz – caged HuCow

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 9

Poor Liz! She has been caged and chained to the wall, nipple suckers on her teats, and a large bell around her neck. She looks defeated. Her nipples hurt from all the milking and she really hopes there won’t be a session today. Unfortunately, the farmer has decided to really try and elongate her famous puffy teats and he is making progress! Liz’s udders and teats are becoming very pointy, which makes them easier to milk. Her nipples get sucked into the red cow milker very far, which makes it quite painful for Liz to get milked, but the farmer is quite strict. Liz will have to get through this ultra hard session. Don’t miss it!

Katie – super high speed

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 12

This session with Katie was intense! She hates the red cow milker because it is the most powerful machine, and even though her udders are fully developed, her nipples are small and sensitive. The red cow milker always doubles her nipples in size, it is very exhausting and Katie always makes great moaning (moo) sounds when she is milked by the red cow milker. But in this session, we turned up the milking speed higher than ever before! Super high speed! It is an insane milking speed, combined with lots of power. Even though Katie is an experienced HuCow, she really had a hard time during this session, don’t miss it!

Lisa – back to the barn

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 6

Now here is an interesting story: Remember Lisa from 4 years ago? She wanted to be a HuCow so bad that she contacted us to have a voluntary session on the goat milker. We never heard from her again after that. Until this week, when she suddenly emailed us. Lisa wanted to show us her progress! And wow! She looks completely different! Nice fat udders (tripled in size from 4 years ago) and a great body! We insisted she should stay for another session, but she wasn’t so sure. Some bondage and a gag would be needed this time, but we really wanted to test her improved udders on our most powerful machine: the red cow milker!

Penny Lee – milking bench

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 3

Good morning! Time to wake up our busty HuCow Penny Lee and let her out of her cage. She will go straight into the barn onto the milking bench. In an armbinder and ring gag, because Penny Lee still tends to disagree with her milking sessions. See how much she shakes her head during milking? The powerful red cow milker in this position is a tough training, especially early in the morning, but we have to continue sessions for all of our HuCows! Penny Lee does not really like it here at the farm, but she will get used to it!

Dolly & Penny Lee – high speed cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 10

A new pairing today! Putting different HuCows together is great for several reasons: production will increase when HuCows are not alone, they can take comfort in each other during the painful stages of training, and more udders in the barn is always awesome. Close friends Dolly and Penny Lee are going on the red cow milker today, in a unique standing position. The red cow milker is the most powerful milker we have, and all four cups need to be used to seal the vacuum (when used on a single HuCow, you can see we block 2 cups with special plugs). It’s hard for our farmer to put all 4 cups on at the same time, so Penny and Dolly are allowed to place their own cups before being cuffed and gagged. Penny slightly misplaced her though, much to the amusement of the more experienced Dolly!

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