Katie – the red cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 15

Of course, our resident prize cow Katie has to get used to the new powerful red cow milker too! It will be her primary milking machine for some time to come, and we need to know that she will be able to deal with it. The perfectly trained Katie has now earned her own bell, but it is a solid brass bell (very heavy) and it is very loud. She sometimes scares herself with the sound of her bell. Training HuCows is a long process, you have to repeat things a lot and make them docile and willing is not easy. But with Katie, we are making real good progress! She lubricates her own boobs, and places the cups on her own nipples. Next time we will use a milking frame again though, because she needs longer and faster milking sessions!

Angelica – “ich will das nicht”

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 10

German cow Angelica is in our stables permanently, so she is available for custom videos (anything you want!). But she needs a lot of training still, so it is time to hook her to the RED cow milking machine. The most powerful machine in our stables, the shiny red machine is quickly becoming one of our favorite training tools. Angelica was locked to the milking frame, but she kept complaining, so we had to ballgag her. “Nein, ich will das nicht!”, she said before the gag slipped in. We don’t know what that means but we will assume she likes ballgags. Time to milk this nude cow! Lots of drooling and moaning, this really took a lot of energy out of poor Angelica. She will have to get used to this.

The new RED cow milker!

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 14

It is finally here! The new RED cow milker! The most powerful machine in our stables right now! The supplier said it would be more powerful and less noisy than our current cow milker. Well, it is certainly more powerful, but the noise level is still about the same. The milking claw has four metal cups painted in shiny red, and it is quite heavy. This is not for human use! But we did test it on poor Lola anyway! Her harness ballgag was chained to keep her head up, and she had nowhere to go, all cuffed up. Ready for the shiny red machine! It was so powerful, it sucked Lola’s nipples very far into the cups. After an intense milking session, Lola was exhausted, her nipples were four times the size, and she was sobbing, shivering on the floor. Yes, it really is THAT powerful!

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