Breeding Ivy

Breeding Ivy

Pale young HuCow Ivy is probably ready for breeding now. She seems very receptive to sexual stimulation and milking is causing her teats to expand a lot! The farmer will try to breed her regularly, which should have some amazing results on the size of her udders and her milk production if things go well. Ivy is very timid and she seems a little fragile, but her inner most desire is to become the best HuCow at the farm! The best way to speed up her progress is to breed her, we are sure you will agree. It will be a lot of work and a lot of sessions will be required, we might even need some help. If you are an experienced HuCow farmhand and you would like to help breeding Ivy, please let us know!

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8 Responses

  1. This is such a perfect video! Ivy drooling through her gag and having her exposed clit vibrated before breeding really make this the perfect session. All the HuCows could use a similar treatment, especially Nora, Lanta, and Denise! Tilly would be great too..I like the way she struggles and moans on the breeding stand!

  2. A good session for IVY since the clitoral stimulation from the magic wand followed by breeding helped her endure the pumping of the electronic breast training machine working to enlarge the size of her teats . Ivy also needs many sessions to meet the standard for increasing udder volume set by fellow HuCow , VINA .

  3. Wow that was a good breeding session! Sure hope to see more breeding sessions with other hucows, like Katie, Denise, and other hucows. And let’s face it Katie is my favorite of the herd

  4. Getting her pregnant is an awesome idea!

  5. What a fulminant return! Would be great if she joins the Want-to-be-a-Farmer program!

  6. Haar dekken zou de eerste goede stap zijn om van haar een goede melkkoe te maken

  7. It would be a dream when recorded breeding sessions actually become successful and get the hucow bred for real. Proper milk production.

  8. I’m wanting to become a hucow so very badly
    I am willing to do anything to be come a hucow and I am wanting to live as a hucow and to be breed as a hucow and I want this to be my new life as a hucow. If you can give me a call at +18175008481
    I am wanting to begin staring today if we can do that please give me a call or text at +18175008481

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