Sophie Elodie – curious HuCow

Sophie Elodie – curious HuCow

Can you believe it? I have Sophie Elodie in my barn! She was really curious about doing a session. Sophie is really cute, she loves bondage and submission, and her large udders have thick heavy steel rings pierced through her nipples. She’s perfect! I chained her nipple rings together and made her crawl to her pumping spot in the barn. I cuffed her hands behind her back and her neck to the milking frame. This first session was all about turning her ringed nipples into huge teats. This required a lot of oil and a lot of vacuum power, but her teats eventually filled the entire cups. Sophie was surprise at the speed and power, and I even gagged her so she could feel more objectified. I think she liked it a lot, she already asked me when the next session will be!
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13 Responses

  1. Sophie is a keeper, Very beautiful and shapely

  2. The electronic breast training machine worked well to enlarge Sophie’s thick heavy steel ring pierced nipples . Would love to see Sophie milked like Katarina Hartlova in HU171 using the powerful RED COW MILKER in a future Update .

  3. The large full tits and big nipples that Sophie is blessed with are ideal to make the time honoured journey from tits to cow udders and nipples to teats ripe for milking.

    Great to see this docile cow make that first natural step.

    • Docile is the exact word I thought of to seeing her getting her udders oiled up. Beautiful cow. Would love to see her inseminated and maybe even giving a little back to the farmer as well (oral 😉)

  4. Sophie is cute, definitely worth entering into the breeding program. She looks very good gagged and would look even better getting inseminated on the milking stand, maybe with some forced orgasms afterwards.

  5. Hope she gets to take a turn on the milking bed, so her udders hang through and a Hitachi keeps her entertained.

  6. This juicy slut slave should get the same treatment as Vanessa Hillz & Denise had, pumped while wearing an A-frame Nursing Bra, bound, ballgagged, & teat clamped.

  7. Sophie is top of the top. Such a beautiful body and those boobs, OMG. Please of her. I rejoined just for her.

  8. I bet it feels amazing to have your tits sucked like this turning them into huge udders. I’d love this.

  9. Why censored her breast on that girl but very sexy girl

  10. Perfect small women for the milking stand, beautiful BIG nippel rings a BIG hucow nose ring or tag will be hot as well, she is a hot model, would l O O k – g O O d wearing an after milking – c O O ling down boobcontrolbar for that extra top control

  11. Perfect model for this site, imagine her wearing a boobcontrolbar, to c O O l them beauties down after a hot milking session, if she can handle that extra F E E L, that extra control and that even hotter l O O k

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