Cute little Emma Evans is very eager to become a HuCow. She is only 19 and her udders are small, but she has been insisting on doing an intake at the farm for months now. Upon inspection, the farmer found a lot of promise in Emma Evans! Her main features are her HUGE labia, which show that she is ready for easy and frequent breeding! This will make her develop as a HuCow, grow her udders, and increase the size of her teats. Emma doesn’t need any training in submissiveness, she is already incredibly docile and eager. She even initiated oral training herself, to show the farmer how much she wants to be a HuCow. What do you think? Should we keep her?
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8 Responses
Emma’s teats and udders will hopefully grow in size if she is given the various treatments and milking sessions that VINA endured for several years to increase the size of her nipples and the volume of her udders . KEEP HER !!!
I love her! Get her strapped down and inseminated ASAP!!
I agree. Keep her!
Burkhard Thielmann
Sie sollte behalten werden,jeden Tag gemolken und gezüchtet werden
matthew meuleman
i say tag her as a breading cow (hucow)
Definitely need young heifers to make your herd better
Emma is a great specimen and the plug is a great touch. She may be eager now, but we’ll see how willing she is after a few thorough inseminations. She should definitely be gagged and restrained for the process to make sure she doesn’t resist implantation as deep as possible.
“What do you think? Should we keep her?”
Definitely not! Yuck! Get rid of her immediately!!!
You don’t even need to worry about her. I am such a great humanitarian, or rather bovarian, that I am willing to provide her with shelter indefinitely. I’ll even be willing to pick up the poor thing from your farm.