Denise – breeding training

Denise – breeding training

posted in: Breeding, Goat Milker | 23

Denise is a young resident HuCow with incredible potential. She is the one that is most often milked, at the highest settings. This lifestyle has made her completely docile. Simply put: Denise IS a HuCow. She can’t imagine any other life than this, and she is very happy at the farm, feeling safe and taken care of. We didn’t breed her yet because of her age, but now we decided to start giving her a frequent breeding ‘training’ sessions, so she knows what life will be like for her in the future. The farmer gives Denise a firm pounding while she is getting milked at high vacuum pressure with the goat milking machine. He takes care not to inseminate her yet. It’s not the perfect time yet, and Denise needs a lot more breeding ‘training’ sessions first. We might need some help with this, any volunteers?

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23 Responses

  1. Yes! Love the breeding posts!!

  2. A male farmer’s dream come true to pound Denise from behind while the GOAT MILKER is pumping her beautiful natural udders to enlarge her nipples .

  3. Hot photos.

  4. Why wait to breed her? She’s 21 years old, and she’s been on the farm for over 3 years.

    • 21 and been on the farm for over three years??? 21-3 years = wow she really started at age 18!

  5. I’d add a blindfold and a spider gag so all she can focus on is the feelings, then at the end she has no choice but to have a drink.

  6. When the time is right and when you’re ready I’d be more than willing to breed her and would love to help out in the barn too my semen is very verile and it would only take one time to get her bred let me know when you need my assistance

  7. Love the breeding video! The hair pull was a nice detail too. IMO Denise should be ballgagged for maximum compliance and to stifle any resistance to being inseminated. A butt plug may be necessary if she requires punishment for being too non-compliant.

  8. I would love to help you be a volunteer I have been watching your videos for ages fantastic videos.

  9. I’d love to volunteer for use like this.

  10. Ever considered a satellite barn in the USA?

    • There has been a lot of demand from the USA.
      Send me an email if you think you can run it.

  11. I wish I could join the herd but I don’t meet all the requirements :(

  12. Former Japanese dairy farmer

    Will you continue breeding?
    I hope that I will have a strong bull to sire the cows and produce lots of milk.

  13. I’m from rural US and been feeling like lactating since 16, perhaps due to hormones in cow milk. Is there a way to set male transformed hucows farm with the help of estrogen and prolactin?

  14. No Animal Cruelty

    No Gag, no blindfold, no harness, no animal cruelty

  15. I wanna join the herd and be milked and bred!!

  16. Ik wil gedekt worden, zodat mijn uiers gemolken kunnen worden..

  17. Will the hucows also get pregnant and give birth after breeding?

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