Jasmine James – sybian and cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker (RED), Sybian | 12

We got another result!! Milk is starting to flow from Jasmine James’ udders! This is such good news, and it shows that every HuCow can be producing, if you just do enough sessions with enough pressure and stimulation. We milked Jasmine HARD this time. The red cow milker on full power, with an added Sybian for stimulation. Well, we weren’t planning on using the Sybian, but Jasmine was found in the barn playing with this machine so we used it in the session (but on a much higher setting). Jasmine is so cute! Can you believe those huge udders are now lactacting? There is so much more to do with Jasmine now, we need to keep her here for a while!!

Denise – breeding training

posted in: Breeding, Goat Milker | 23

Denise is a young resident HuCow with incredible potential. She is the one that is most often milked, at the highest settings. This lifestyle has made her completely docile. Simply put: Denise IS a HuCow. She can’t imagine any other life than this, and she is very happy at the farm, feeling safe and taken care of. We didn’t breed her yet because of her age, but now we decided to start giving her a frequent breeding ‘training’ sessions, so she knows what life will be like for her in the future. The farmer gives Denise a firm pounding while she is getting milked at high vacuum pressure with the goat milking machine. He takes care not to inseminate her yet. It’s not the perfect time yet, and Denise needs a lot more breeding ‘training’ sessions first. We might need some help with this, any volunteers?

Elizabeth – more cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 3

How do you solve this sensitive teat problem that Elizabeth has? More cow milker! And more clover clamps too. This update is not for the faint hearted, as Elizabeth is moaning and protesting very loudly, especially about the nipple clamps. And clover clamps AFTER milking is a definite hell for her. The red cow milker on full power made her teats even more sensitive, but Elizabeth knows there is only one way forward if she wants to be a good HuCow: more sessions, and harder sessions. She is a resident now (available for custom videos too), so she needs to step up and endure the pain and discomfort. It’s all for the best!

Emma Evans – intake

posted in: Oral Training | 8

Cute little Emma Evans is very eager to become a HuCow. She is only 19 and her udders are small, but she has been insisting on doing an intake at the farm for months now. Upon inspection, the farmer found a lot of promise in Emma Evans! Her main features are her HUGE labia, which show that she is ready for easy and frequent breeding! This will make her develop as a HuCow, grow her udders, and increase the size of her teats. Emma doesn’t need any training in submissiveness, she is already incredibly docile and eager. She even initiated oral training herself, to show the farmer how much she wants to be a HuCow. What do you think? Should we keep her?

Kerry – new milking stocks

posted in: Goat Milker | 8

We have some sturdy new milking stocks for inescapable and comfortable pumping sessions! It’s a very nice position which leaves the udders dangling free and gives rear access for stimulation and spanking. Kerry was the first one to try it, and she did very well! She has grown so much as a HuCow, now accepting her sessions without complaints. Well, she is always gagged of course, but she is no longer backing away from the farmer’s hands and she is a very easy HuCow to milk. The goat milker was set at the highest level, to give Kerry’s teats that extra stretch. At the end of the session, the farmer made sure to keep that stretch by clover clamping her nipples and adding a weight to the chain. Painful, but it is necessary to improve Kerry’s awesome udders even more!