Kerry is back for another milking session, and she is looking better than ever! This cute submissive HuCow is quite experienced already, and she has been on the hardest machines before. Even the red cow milker! But this time, the farmer ramped up the power and especially the speed. It’s going to be Kerry’s hardest session yet! Her tied udders are beautifully presented and her nipples are prepared with clamps before milking. A bit of oil is applied, and Kerry is ready for the red cow milker. She squeals and squirms as the farmer keeps monitoring her nipples to make sure everything is safe. He even pulls off the cups to reapply them again, which is quite painful! But the most painful part is of course every HuCow’s biggest fear: reapplying the clover clamps AFTER milking! Ouch! Poor Kerry!
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3 Responses
Kerry’s udders have grown since her first Update in March of 2019 and her farmer has tied them for support before using the red cow milker to pump them . A very painful session for Kerry but she endures even when the clover clamps are reapplied to her very sensitive nipples .
John W
What a delightful hucow Kerry is. Her udders are filling out nicely and her teats sure are sensitive and are perfect for both milking and the clamps.
I look forward to seeing more of her in the future
Is there another cow in the herd as naturally docile as young Kerry? Great to see the effect of Full Power on her developing udders and now large teats. Would like to see some oral training next or even breeding. She really does know her place – good cow Kerry!