The farmer really invests a lot of time in young Denise, she really has a LOT of potential! To make her nipples more stretchy, she needs to be volume trained daily! The farmer locks her in the prison cell to give her a session that will expand her nipples four or five times. But that’s not all, he makes it a triple milking, because her clit could use some extreme stretching too! Denise is very obedient now, even curious. There’s no need to restrain her, but the farmer didn’t take any chances because he likes to turn up the pumping speed to the max. After a while, it becomes clearly visible that Denise is getting turned on by the clit milking, making it a lot easier for her to handle the nipple stretching. What a good girl!!
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7 Responses
A sight to behold as Denise’s clit expanded and contracted within the cup of the Clit Pump; while the Electronic breast training machine worked to stretch her nipples. Truly amazing that Denise made very little noise during this session .
I love Denise.
Just wishing I could be the one milking and breeding her.
What happened to her belly button piercing she needs to put that back in I need to get her bred so she can start having milk flow and needs more oral training
Hucow liker
What do you mean by clit
Hucow liker
Hey what do you to if a man wants to be a hucow
Immer wenn ich das sehe, bereue ich es (als transmann), dass ich keine Euter mehr habe… 😔
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Sollten bei den Kühen gedehnt werden um das Fickloch schön weit zu machen. Sie sollen ja alle mal werfen. Die innere Dehnung mit einer Spreizbirne ist sicher ein Genuss für den Melker und uns sie jammern zu hören und der Anblick ihrer geschlossenen Cervix ( Muttermund).