Best friends suffer together! In this case, Liz and Blondie suffered quite a lot, because the dual goat milker actually gets a lot more powerful when all 4 cups are used. The power was turned up all the way and these poor HuCow friends got their nipples sucked so hard, they had red marks for weeks. Drooling and unable to move, these two wonderful HuCows are put through a standard session: udder checks, oiling, cups being applied, milking, and the inspection after. The difference in udders is stunning. Liz has awesome pointy udders with huge nipples. Blondie has huge full udders with smaller nipples. Both have very sensitive teats, so this really was the worst ordeal they have been put through. Poor HuCows! Good thing they can suffer together.
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7 Responses
Wow I love blondie!!!
Hello again Liz and Blondie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the contrast in udders!!!!!!!love to see the different reactions… and of course, different teats… Blondie’s are great, of course, but love to see Liz’s change and react over time
After watching Liz milk Blondie-(HU320) I suggested these two beautiful HuCows be milked side by side in the barn. THANK YOU for answering my request where the powerful Goat Milker enlarged the size of LIZ and BLONDIE’S nipples. Each HuCow’s eyes and facial expressions showed this was a very painful milking session for each of them. Would love to see an Update with Blondie’s huge udders hanging downward through the opening in the milking bed and the (RED) Cow Milker pumping away.
Blondie has goddess body, please show more of her body next time other than boobs.
Just imagine cooling them boobs of after milking, wearing a boobcontrolbar, till they all coolled down, that would be some control
I’m a new member and had to make my first comment here…absolutely amazing scene!
Great update, we really need two models side by side like this on a regular basis!