Natalia Forrest has already been through a lot. She even got pregnant, which helped her milk production to get started. Her udder size has increased, but now her nipples seem kind of small! Don’t worry, we have the perfect solution for this. This spoiled UK girl will get the surprise of her lifetime when we use the electronic breast training machine on her teats! Actually, we may have overdone it a little bit, it was on a very high vacuum power setting (we never tried before). Instead of doubling her nipple size, we accidentally quadrupled her teats in length. Natalia Forrest was genuinely shocked and scared about what had happened to her. A bit too extreme?
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9 Responses
I was so happy to see that you brought her back after three years, I thought she would never come back but I was wrong
Thirty-three months have gone by since her last Update and this beautiful HuCow from the United Kingdom still has her figure after giving birth. It was something special watching Natalia’s nipples slowly growing to four times there normal size within the nipple cups of the electronic breast training machine.
What a treat or should that be teat, to see Natalia after all this time, but it would be an even bigger treat to see her in full milk producing mode with the goat milker filling the milk collecting tank?
Oh Oh Oh. I’m in Hucow Heaven, the last 3 weeks you have featured three of my favourite hucows – Natalia, Little Caprice and Katie. Each girl with such beautiful and alluring styles, but different body types. Joy, joy joy. Many thanks!
Fantastic! Natalie has such gorgeous perfectly formed nipples. May I suggest getting a pair of castration bands and stretch them and place upon her perky erect nipples following the cupping scene with the suction tubes. It would continue to train her nipples to be hard and fully erect. Thanks !
Such a lucky girl. Texas hucow needing serious nipple enlargement
Nice! Natalie Forrest is absolutely gorgeous. Got to LOVE this update with Natalias wonderful perky erect hardened and stiffened nipples. Would LOVE to see Natalia get her NIPPLES PIERCED or even better have a pair of green elastic castration bands stretched and placed upon her perfect nipples to keep her NIPPLES erect and hardened for future shoots. The elastic castration bands would look wonderful on Natalias perfect nipples and follow them up with the suction tubes would only be even better because it would increase her sensitivity and increase her sexually induced endorphins for a more intense orgasmic release of a climax. Natalia Forrest looks wonderful and bring her back for a more intense shoot on hucows. NICE!
Well I like this 4 X the normal size is what you should do with all of them
WOW! Natalia Forrest is fantastic and this is a SUPERB UPDATE that i unfortunately missed when it was brand new. Will definitely pay more attention to this site. As mentioned earlier would definitely LOVE to see Natalia Forrest re-appear and appear more often on this site and if EXTRA PAY is required then it would be a worth while effort. Natalia is such a trooper and a great fetish/bdsm model. Would SECOND OR THIRD the request for a pair of castration bands be incorporate onto this site for fetish models with erect, perky, hardened and elongated nipples and would like to NOMINATE Natalia Forrest as a the first candidate to introduce the castration bands upon her nipples. Have seen these before and they are EXCELLENT TRAINERS for perky and erect nipples and definitely increase the sensitivity and heightened sexual awareness for the models and can make for intense orgasms on the SYBIAN. Natalia Forrest is a great model and a wonderful fetish performer and having her on the site as the premier model would be great and wonderful.