How can we wipe this smile of Cory’s face!? She always seems to be grinning, like she is taunting us to come up with something more extreme. She is our most rebellious HuCow: Cory even got her nipples pierced so we would stop milking her. We didn’t stop of course, piercings are not ideal, but we can still use all of our machines on her. Maybe we can train her a bit more by associating sexual pleasure with milking? That way her brain will change eventually and she will stop resisting because she will associate milking with pleasure. The Sybian seems like a perfect tool to train our big titted Cory. She needs to accept her role: she is a HuCow now and she will always be. Her udders are perfect, but her attitude needs a little adjustment.
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13 Responses
Nice to see coy Cory again. Her udders are fantastic!!! She may need time on the fucking machine to get her mind clear and back to mindlessly being the hucow she must become.
The Vet
Cory´s lips are just magnificent! I think she needs a big ring in her septum if she is unruly. And if the cow is obstipated, she will need a big enema to get it fixed. She can get it while beeing on the red cow.milker.
Cory has big beautiful utters. She needs milking everyday of her life, she will then be calm and suppress, and will enjoy being milked three times a day for her delicious milk. Cory NEEDS to understand that her destiny in life and she was made for is being a hucow for milking for her milk till the day she leaves this earth.
NICE!! Absolutely wonderful!! Cory is fantastic and has such lovely and gorgeous shaped breasts. Especially LOVE the PIERCED NIPPLES that Cory has decided to undergo. NICE!! Would LOVE to see other female models with wonderfully PIERCED NIPPLES on this site. In addition, I would recommend that Hucows should focus on the nipples as well as the breasts for future models updates. Overall, this is one of the BEST updates on this site with Cory who “suffers” so beautifully while on the Sybian gaining pleasure and enduring the milkers on her udders. I second the suggestion for a ring in her septum that should become permanent and match her NIPPLE PIERCINGS. Please bring Cory back to CUM again and again and again.
Paula Johnson
May I suggest a bit of a modification to the sybian? Use the same pleasure device on a saddle or something that has a moving or bucking motion? As udders are rarely perfectly still while milking the cows need some rythmic pelvic movement involved or sole live bulls fucking them during milking.
Their orgasms would be more intense and therefore increasing production. (Of course the speed of the machine going in and out may increase their stimulation).
Are there any breeding areas on your farm? Heated stalls where the cows are prepped by cow hands before the machine or bull is inserted? Keeping the cows impregnanted will increase milk production as well.
I agree, a heated breeding area where they can be restrained and breeding can happen regularly! The pelvic thrusting even while being milked is going to produce intense orgasms and the brainwashing needed so they associate getting milked with being fucked hard until they are mooing with pleasure and impregnated! I wish I were there to become a hucow, kept naked, restrained and milked, mounted at will.
Absolutely fan freaking fucking tastic!! Cory Spice is a gorgeous lovely and sexy form of female Lady sexuality and got to love her pouty expressions of female sexuality and perverse expressions if determined resistance to orgasmic pleasures. Please bring her back for some additional sexually charged orgasmic training. Cory Spice really needs some additional sexual orgasmic training to endure the Sybian to give her the ultimate pleasure of uncontrolled orgasmic pleasure induced by a machine beyond her control. Absolutely love her PIERCED NIPPLES 😁😍😛 CORY SPICE is fantastic looking with those PIERCED NIPPLES adorning her lovely teats.
Nice! Absolutely fantastic! Cory Spice is so beautifully gorgeous. Love the expressions on her beautiful face and her docile nature of submissiveness. Fantastic! Most especially LOVE Cory Alice’s perfectly PIERCED NIPPLES adorning her gorgeous breasts. Please bring Cory back for some more intense hucows training. The Symbian is a wonderful machine for inducing orgasms and it would be advantageous to add in some small nipple suction tubes onto Cory’s perfect nipples to entice some additional sexual milking and orgasmic inducement. Pleasuring Cory in this manner will encourage the milk to flow and provide for a more intense experience for the hucows model and the viewing audience. Nice!
Hucows. It has been nearly 2 years since we last witnessed Cory Spice on this site. Would love to see a couple more updated videos with pictures of this gorgeous Lady. Most especially would love to see her PERFECT PIERCED NIPPLES once again. Cory Spice is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS.
Dear WEbmaster, Cory Spice is absolutely fantastic and such a gorgeous and wonderful submissive bdsm/fetish model. Please and oh please bring her back to this site. Absolutely agree with the above comments and it has been quite a long time since Cory Spice has appeared on this site. Most especially love her PERFECTLY PIERCED NIPPLES that look so great on her body and compliment her exquisite beauty. Would really love to see her restrained upon a sybian and driven to an orgasmic conneption fit of cosmic proportions to enduce a heightened sense of euphoria. NICE! Cory Spice is fantastic and would love to see her cum again and again. Thanks.
When do we get to see this Cow in action again ?
Dear Webmaster would really like to see Cory Spice back on this site. Corys udders look fantastic and her PERFECTLY FORMED PIERCED NIPPLES are fantastic and have sorely been missed. Love her body and expressions. FANTASTIC!
Dear Webmaster, it has been quite some time since we last enjoyed the appearance of Cory Spice on this site. This is such a wonderful amazing and erotic video shoot. Would love to see Cory Spice again grace the pages of this website. Any chance of brining the gorgeous Cory Spice back to this site would be greatly appreciated and especially her PERFECTLY PIERCED NIPPLES! Nice!