After her horrifying introducing to the herd, LittleRedGirl needs to be trained on a daily basis to transform her into an obedient HuCow. Her soft udders are tied into cute balls with rope to get more pressure on them. We put her in the barn, chained by her collar, and she still looks terrfied. Her big eyes stare at the farmer when he comes closer to inspect her udders. She knows she will be on the red cow milker at full power today and she is really afraid. This tiny young girl on the most powerful machine at the highest setting, it’s exciting for us, but scary for her! The farmer has got some tricks up his sleeve to make her more comfortable, like a huge ball gag and of course a magic wand to reprogram her brain into associating painful milking with pleasure. It seems to work because LittleRedGirl has a few powerful orgasms during and after her milking session!! Don’t miss this!
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6 Responses
what a great set up – certainly leaves no room for needless movement and allows the hucow to just let go and fulfill her destiny. love her TIED udders…more hucows should be tied as well
nice pussy asking to be fucked!
congratulations ! I hope to see her on the fucking machine next time
could be possible to use a breast pump´s cups with this pump machine? Or attach a bottle in the milk output from the cows cups to collect woman´s milk?
What do you do with the milk? I’m a over producer I make around 128oz a day I would hate to see it go to waste
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