Meanwhile, Katie is very happy to live her life as a HuCow. After completing her transformation, she has been really good and she doesn’t need much bondage anymore. We still restrain her for her milking sessions though, just in case, but that’s just standard procedure here. We found Katie a nice cow suit and we wanted to see if it made her feel even more docile. Her huge udders are poking out of the suit (of course), and they need VERY regular oiling to keep them supple and in top shape. Massaging HuCows is the most important part of their care. Sometimes Katie massages herself, sometimes she is in bondage so we have to do it. Physically, Katie is our top HuCow for sure! Her mental transformation is almost complete too! Soon she will be available for fan milking sessions, so stay tuned!
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39 Responses
What would be better is that she wears the cow mask as well, along with the suit.
Well the cow mask feedback was overwhelmingly negative, so we will probably not try that again.
Love seeing Katie, please no cow mask, there’s enough of that around the web already..
Thank you; that mask might be my least favorite thing here. Doubly so, since Katie is one of my favorite faces to see.
So, yes, please. No more cow masks. And thank you.
I agree with you
fantastic – her udders are the greatest – MUST keep them oiled – is there a hole in her suit for easy rear access too?
I still say tight cuffs around the base of her udders will help stimulate milk production.
Plz milk her with hand…
Her udders require hand milking
@admin plz milk katie with hand
That suit is super cool, where did you guys get it
I wish it had a sexier cut, but it’s fun to finally see some cow-print on this website.
Not what would complete this look would be if the hands actually were in a fist in the suit to look like hooves.
I AGREE (with @Josh, and @BMan): There’s “No Need”, for a “Cow Mask”!
What I would like to see, now, is “KATIE… with the RED MILKER… while wearing the COW SUIT!” (A little “CLUE©” Reference, there!)
Now, THIS… is how you make… a “CowGirl”! ??
This site needs more girls of Katie’s caliber.
Unfortunately, there is only one Katie!
ref negative feedback about the cow’s mask. I liked it. I thought, correctly employed, it could be used to great psychological effect in undermining the self-confidence and basic humanity of your herd of hu-cows. Katie obviously thinks she’s a very beautiful girl (And we won’t make her anymore conceited by telling her how much we all agree with her on that.) But she looked thoroughly miserable when she was made to put that cheap looking (and no doubt smelly) rubber cow’s head on in a previous video. Yes we all laughed at you Katie. We all thought you looked stupid kneeling there with that silly rubber mask on your head and your big boobs on display like the dumb animal you really are. ‘Classy lady’ my ass.
cow suit is nice, but here is one vote for stripped naked, shaved head to toe, wearing nothing but a cow bell – just simplicity
Shaving the head is probably the last taboo, the very last. But it would be very very sexy indeed to see a heavy-uddered moo buckled and strapped in place with the red or goat milker on her teats and the wand on her clit…and have her head shaved while in that state. She goes in thinking she’s a woman…she comes out knowing she’s a cow.
Mmmm yes…very hot. The ultimate dehumanization. I am a woman interested in lactating, and that is one of my fantasies.Elsie
A very good idea. And a big ring in her septum will also be cool. And a cowtail at the end of a large buttplug would transform her to a real hucow.
I’d love to see vina back wearing a cow suit like this
i do agreed with everyone I would like to see vina back on here with the cow suit on the red cow milker
She is THE hucow, but it shouldn’t go to her head, better her udders! Hooves are a fantastic idea, maybe little blue ribbons on her udders? John was right methinks about using the cow head wisely.
it’s perfect. I’m speachless.
I think for a bit of fun this was ok for a short spell but i wouldn’t want her or any others [ or could i say udders!] wearing it all the time, i would like to see the headband thingy with the horns and ears that would be horny as hell [ here i go again ] while being milked
Can we see more cows struggling or unwilling? And maybe more of them in lingerie or different uniforms please.
I would like to be in Kate’s place I would like to be a hucown
Mmmm yes…I just discovered this site and would love to be in the barn getting hooked up for a milking
When will katie’s new video will be upload ?
The best hucow milking I’ve seen is a small toothless snake like reptile tethering a sexy hucow and slowly tormenting and milking the braided young blonde. Yummmmmmy!
Sounds amazing… Care to share a link or anything?
How soon will Katie be available for fan milkings? I for one cannot wait!
Laurence is right! How soon will katie be available?
is Katie a full time hucow
Is she gonna model the suit again someday?
Perhaps with a cowbell & a tail next time?
No the suit was completely ruined with the baby oil and the ripping. Need to get a new one!
mon reve , animalisation complete avec vie a l’ecurie …
Non , non , non ceci n’est pas l’esprit Hucow . Il ne faut jamais “animaliser ” les filles . C’est stupide . Fini ce carnaval