Katie – cow suit

posted in: Massage, Transformation | 39

Meanwhile, Katie is very happy to live her life as a HuCow. After completing her transformation, she has been really good and she doesn’t need much bondage anymore. We still restrain her for her milking sessions though, just in case, but that’s just standard procedure here. We found Katie a nice cow suit and we wanted to see if it made her feel even more docile. Her huge udders are poking out of the suit (of course), and they need VERY regular oiling to keep them supple and in top shape. Massaging HuCows is the most important part of their care. Sometimes Katie massages herself, sometimes she is in bondage so we have to do it. Physically, Katie is our top HuCow for sure! Her mental transformation is almost complete too! Soon she will be available for fan milking sessions, so stay tuned!

Darina – breast training machine

Aw young Darina has come such a long way in her training! Today it’s time for her medical check, because it is very important ALL HuCows in our herd have regular health checks. We want a healthy herd! A medical is also a great opportunity to get some time on the breast training machine done. Darina hates her medical checks, she would rather be chained to the wall in the barn, but it has to be done.
We start her off with some nipple suckers, because her nipples still could use a little growth. Her udders are coming along nicely for her age, but we still use the electronic breast training machine to soften her tissue and make her udders bigger by powerful suction. This is a rather uncomfortable process, so we try to help Darina along by giving her some pleasure at the same time.
Darina is dental gagged for this entire procedure, not really necessary with her (because she is already very docile) but it helps her focus on her training. She is definitely one of our youngest and most promising HuCows, and we can’t wait to see what else we can do to her to make her reach the next level. If you are a member and you have any requests for Darina’s training, please send us an email! We love to fulfill member requests, so let us know if you have any great setups or positions in mind for this valuable cute HuCow!

Alais – multiple milking orgasms

posted in: Cow Milker (RED), Magic Wand | 11

Alais is a rare HuCow. She gets aroused by bondage, so being locked to the milking frame already gets her going. Add a bit of double stimulation (vibrator and strong red cow milker) and Alais transforms into a helpless orgasming pet every time we milk her. As a true submissive, Alais can’t help getting all excited by the restrictive milking sessions. She needs very good care from her farmer, as she just cums and cums endlessly. We don’t want to destroy our precious herd, so we have to watch her and treat her like the rare HuCow she is. But Alais can take a lot. She loves it! The vibrator is on high speed during the entire session, as is the red cow milker, and the farmer even turns the vibrator up to extreme speed at the end just to tease Alais and get one more orgasm out of her! Amazing session!

Olga – sensitive nipples

posted in: Goat Milker | 7

Poor Olga! First time in the barn and already treated like one of the main herd. Olga has very sensitive nipples, but she actually volunteered to be a hucow. She just wants it so much! It’s interesting to see her expressions in this session, she is in pain but she smiles too. We prepared Olga by using nipple suckers to extend her nipples a bit more. This makes the goat milker more effective, as it can get a good grip on the nipples. Olga’s udders are oiled up of course, to make sure they are supple and get sucked in even further. The goat milker is a painful experience for Olga, but it’s her first time. She will get used to regular milking sessions and her body will adapt. Welcome to the farm, Olga!