Yes! As predicted, our HuCow Natalia is now in full production! Her udders and nipples have become huge! There is so much pressure on her boobs that she actually feels relieved when she milks herself. She can produce a few small bottles a day, so that is great. We are so pleased with this result! Natalia is our resident home HuCow now, she will probably go back to the barn soon, but we will let her recover for now. She has been told to milk herself at least three times a day. Watch the video to see the bottle fill with fresh milk! Who wants some?
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5 Responses
I would love to see Natalia being milked in the barn by the goat milker.On all fours, with bell and cow mask. That would be a video that you have so surely never found anywhere. One of my biggest dreams.
I am speechless….what a wonderful sight …those nipples and the voluminous udders!!!! – in one photo she appears to be enjoying herself….Just think how her production would increase with a sound of a crying baby in the background. A round for everyone !!!!!
Lovely to see those full udders producing all that milk. Agree with Melher123 would love to see her on the goat milker and see if that increases production!!!!!!!!!!
Multi-shot natalia forrest breastfeeding video Hope to see more
Just want to know how many time, weeks or month she arrived milking? Trying by myself
Ever day 2 session of massage and pump.. how long I must wait for milk?!