Young Tammy! Such a gorgeous little HuCow, whose curiosity got her a permanent spot in our herd. She is so cute, but also very feisty (still). She does not want to be milked, it hurts her soft nipples too much. We will train her and make her more docile and addicted to milking sessions, but HuCows like Tammy take a little longer to be tamed. It’s only her second time on the milking frame and we are going for the red cow milker already! Tammy is strong, she even lifts herself off the floor, and she lifts the entire heavy milking claw with just her udders! It doesn’t help of course, the vacuum is much too strong. Poor Tammy, will she ever get used to this life?
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6 Responses
“Get Used to It?”
Probably not!
But you weren’t kidding, when you said she is “Cute!”
Her Pics, alone, could make ANYONE “CUM THEIR BRAINS OUT!!!”
(Throw in her videos, and YOU’RE TOTALLY SCREWED!!!)
Yay Tammy is back
This girl is awesome. Her eyes, her body her tits all perfect
Maybe cuff her pretty tits
Tammy needs more suction
Tammy is such a gorgeous hucow, I would love to see her again ! And perhaps attached to the fucking machine??
I too Would love to see Tammy again
I second that request. Maybe stick the breast training machine on her, or the double breast pump. Anything to add growth to those nipples or breasts.