We did not mess around with new girl Roxy! Stripped of all her clothes, straight onto the milking frame in the barn, hooked the red cow milker onto her udders and go! A bit of a shock, really. But we couldn’t help ourselves, Roxy has got very beautiful natural udders. One of them is pierced, but that actually helps to get the milking cup on more centered! Roxy couldn’t believe what was happening to her, it will all settle in later. Her training started rough, but she will be a perfect docile HuCow, just give her some time!
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11 Responses
“⛪️ ?!!!”
She’s a KEEPER!
Can’t wait to see how you CONVERT her!
? ? ? ??
I hope that you have “something special” planned, for 07/23/2016!
It’ll be my Birthday, then! ?
Go and continue with her !
WOW! Roxy is definitely a keeper and a gorgeous and beautiful one at that. One small comment is that she should get her right nipple PIERCED like her left nipple for balance. Otherwise she just travels in circles. A lovely specimen Roxy is!
instead of cups use hand milking your website will be like anything. Like cow milking with hands.
A cow without a ballgag or any type of gag had no interest
You need to have another session, with Roxy!
It would seem that there is ONLY ONE Update, here, and nothing further!
Perhaps, you should pair her up, with Vina, so that she can see how things are done…!
i hope she will give milk or will have huge nipple 2 inches long
almost a year and no follow :{
She will be back soon!
Diapered her for humalitation