Katie is so proud to be owned by us! She feels right at home in our stables and she is very confident and well trained. No talking, no upright walking, Katie knows how to behave like a real HuCow! She will go in her cage when told, and she is now completely used her new heavy cow bell. Katie knows that she needs to treat her big udders well, so she will walk over to her water bowl (on all fours) to get the massage oil to make her boobs and nipples perfectly lubricated and shiny. It helps in the milking process, to prevent dry skin and other problems. Well done, Katie! We are proud too!
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7 Responses
Can really see the difference a year makes…the udders getting fuller….and becoming a docile hucow, a model for other udders
Katie is the best of the best.
I’ll be member of this site as long as Katie is such a sexy hucow.
Do you have any hucows for sale?
I would love it so hard if I could be a part of your farm…to be owned by someone and getting milked every day…
Jack Whitcher
wish i coud be a hucow i have udders but no one wants me
do you provide training. I am 40E.
Sure, all HuCow candidates can report to our farm! Please send an email to [email protected]!