We were just milking Katie, as we do every day. Her udders have become very very heavy and she really wants to start producing milk to get some of that milk out. She is such a friendly docile hucow now, she will not protest being locked into the milking frame, and she loves her udder massages. After a short session on the goat milker, she suddenly exclaimed: ‘Wait! I think something is happening!’. We stopped the milking just to see what she meant, and she said: ‘I think some milk came out’. And there it was! A few drops were in the milking tubes, already on their way to the big bucket. Soon we will have our best hucow producing lots of milk every day! This is looking good!
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16 Responses
The most beautiful heavy udders there are!!! Glad to see the precious sweet droplets of nectar starting to cum. Soon there will be a river.
She looks so content and am sure she will become/is the best hucow of the herd.
Wow katie milked
It’s about time! ?
Now, it’s time to hook her up, to the NEW (Red) Cow Milker, and drain those pretty udders!!! ???
I’d love to see this used on a cow: http://www.ebay.com/itm/PUSSY-PUMP-SUCKING-OR-PULSATING-FOR-THE-MALE-MILKING-MACHINE-/281063966772?hash=item4170b7c834:g:oXMAAOxyRNJSekpA
I can’t see this listing in my country, can you email a screenshot to [email protected]?
The first milk great! I’m really impatient to see how her milkproduction will raise.
If she was giving results back in November then it looks like it slowed in March, I think it is time to start doing double sessions with her and for longer duration. Milking her twice a day, along with Bo’Vina’… Hook them up to the red cow milker and leave them there for a while… be more efficient use of time right.
Since Vina seems to want this so bad I wouldnt mind her getting milked in the background of every scene until she is producing full time lol
I would like to keep her as my pet… :-)
Sehr schöne Szenen, da ich die Melkmaschine schon seit den 90er Jahren benutze, kann ich nur davon schwärmen.
Ich suche wieder eine frau welche sich melken lassen möchte.
Hi, Why do you make scenes where the hucows were fuck plays? For example, anal sex, oral…
Maybe more interesting. Thanks
To me it looks like most of these cows are from the “Milking Only” species.
To my knowledge the cows from the “Milking & Breeding” species are much more expensive in both care and use.
Somehow I think an investment into these “Milking & Breeding” species, will only lead to a higher viewing-fee.
Ms.Samantha Wagner
Need help finding a Milk Farm to begin to form a HU Cow community for real. Anyone that wants to help me please contact me on CollarSpace under Miss HuCow. We have several persons who want to be HuCows. thank you, Miss HuCow
Ms.Samantha Wagner
We need some help to find a space to train and house and feed and take care of HuCows. We are seeking help to that end. thank you Samantha Wagner
Have you thought about night time milking, Turn the lights down and leaving the Hucow on the milker over night, she would have to be gagged so not to wake the farmer, and seeing the results in the morning!
So you milked Katie, and then you got a few drops of milk, so why did you stop, put the tubes back on carry on, i want to see a pint a day from her!