After 19-year old Vina satisfied her curiosity, her nipples were very sore and even a little marked from the relentless milking she had received. She said it was interesting, but she would probably not try it again soon. But the same evening, I managed to hook her up to the goat milker AGAIN, for a second session! I want to keep her and train her! She is just so cute! This time, bondage was required, because Vina was not going to like this. Her nipples were sore, and they got sucked into the goat milker a lot further this time, as the power was now at maximum and I even increased the speed to a mad setting at the end! Poor young Vina!!
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18 Responses
Vina is addicted to milking as we are to watching. The look in her eyes seem to say….”more…PLEASE?”
Stretch her teats, she really wants it.
Oh my gosh I so want to try this, she looks so horny there and having my boobies pulled and sucked is just the best ever
I can’t wait until she starts to lactate on one of these machines, I think that would be incredibly sexy.
Very nice. We need more variable speed on the girls.
I have noticed you do not block off the other two pumps connected to the system. I have seen others were they block them with a stopper and it seams to increase vacuum and gets rid of the airy sound in the background. Am I onto something or are they not turned on.
No the dual goat milker has two completely separate systems, I guess for when people only have 1 goat. The cow milker I am going to use soon needs to have 2 cups blocked or the vacuum does not work (cows have 4 udders). The problem is, the cow milker is much stronger and may be too much for untrained girls.
Katie + cow milker + bondage = please take all my money…
I will try to do that soon! I don’t even want all your money, just a little membership fee to keep me going.
I will happily donate to a good cause :)
I think a donation button would be great. The cow milker sounds great. Hurry up Saturday haha.
Good idea. In the meantime, you can just join twice or more if you want to donate ;)
IMHO this is the best scene you’ve released to date. The slow build up, the pose, the metal restraints, and very cute Vina place this among your best. But her pained facial expressions as the session proceeds puts this over the top. She’s simply beguiling.
I’m, ALWAYS, keeping an eye out, for “little Bovina” – yet, somehow, I MISSED one??? X-P
AMAZING Update!!!
She looks BETTER, in Metal! 8-D
? ? ? ?
Well, don’t miss today’s one then!
What’s with the “Nesting” Comments???
I don’t like it – it makes it difficult to read!
Can you change the Comment Display Format – from: “Nested”, to: “Threaded”…
…or, maybe, even to “Flat”?
(After, about, the 4th “Nested” Comment, any further “Nested” Comments become IMPOSSIBLE to read – ESPECIALLY, if you’re reading from something say, like, your iPhone!)
What? ;)
There SHOULD be an “Option”, somewhere, about how to display the Posted Comments…
“Nested” is what it’s set on, right now…
“Threaded” displays the “connected” comments (the Replies) in a Line (like, a string!)
“Flat” doesn’t display the Replies together!
As I said: You SHOULD be able to change the Viewing Format, for the Posted Comments, so that others can see/read the Posted Replies…! ?
Vina is awsome!!!