Dani’s training isn’t coming along as well as I hoped. She still needs bondage and a gag to stop her from protesting her milking sessions. I have attached a chain leash to her cuffed udders so I can lead her to the milking machine when it is time for her session. The big ring gag makes her drool a lot, but it is really necessary at this point in her training. The tight cuffs on her udders hopefully will help her to produce soon, or I will have to increase the frequency and power of the sessions! It’s not easy being a farmer these days! I need more people here to help me train all of these cows!
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23 Responses
I love the bondage in the last two updates! If you need any help down at the farm I volunteer immediately!!
I will be there as soon I can!!
I’d love to help out as well!
You really need to put up some sort of trailer or video preview for the site.
I’m still trying to decide if I should join and a short compilation of what is going on would be a good idea IMHO.
It’s only the price of a few beers! Don’t worry, you are already here so you obviously like this content. You will love it ;)
I can agree with that!! This is the best site I’ve ever subscribed to. I don’t have the slighest intention of canceling anytime soon.
Thank you! I can’t do it without support!
I also must say this website is so great. The best i have ever seen before!!!!!
Do you really milk them? I mean is there any real milk coming out? If yes, are they breastfeeding a baby? And if yes, it would be great to mention the amount of milk you’d extracted from each one in each session, and draw some graphs for each of them to show their progress. If not, you can do the graphing and statistics with their breast size, nipple size, color, etc. I think it’d be exciting to see by numbers that they’re really making progress.
To those who can’t decide if they want to join, I can only say it is worth! Personally I miss a little bit something like hitachi treatment when they got milked, but it isn’t really necessary because you will never find another side like this.
you should try and get some actual lactation girls in for this using the goat milker. a lot of people would come for that. and some nice big boobs hanging ready for milking. very very good site. been looking for something like this for years! keep it up
I feel her tits should be cuffed permanently. I can totally see a video of her begging for her cuffs to be removed.
Great idea!
Would love to see the huge lactating tits of Kristina Milan being milked like this!
I miss Danni, we need more Danni updates and always with tightly cuffed tits
Please bring her back
The vids with Dani are probably the best here. Awesome girl and awesome ideas :)))
You should bind the udders of other Hucows to see if it helps in milk production, doubt you will find cuffs big enough for Katarina and Katie but simple cord/rope would suffice.
Clearly you have not seen this: http://www.metalbondage.com/2018/01/katerina-hartlova/
Holy Cow! thats amazing, and you haven’t milked any of the herd like this, The one where shes standing is even better, and then seeing those boob bands on Katie, oh god!
Open mouth gags were designed for a reason. Shoulda been put to use.
Great! More like this shoot!