Wow, after only a few sessions, Katie is already very well trained. We will try it without bondage today, just a leash and collar. This pet must really want to empty her full udders, because she goes to the goat milking machine without any command, turns it on, and starts milking her huge boobs! Katie is such a good pet cow! Her udders are so full and they dangle impressively when she is on all fours. It is only a matter of time before she starts producing! She is ready!
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9 Responses
Yesss!! Katie is the best girl on your farm!
I miss the bondage, but good to see how much she likes getting hooked up to the machine!
Her udders hang so well! A perfect fit I am sure for your milkers. Her eyes say she is more than ready!
OMG Katie plays the perfect pet cow girl, resigned to sit patiently while her giant tits are made the main attraction.
Please say that once she starts producing, she’ll earn a nice big cow bell on her collar to dongle around while she crawls to her milkings.
It would be great to see some little beginning scenes before each milking where she comes into the office obediantly from outside, then strips her normal clothes off or has them stripped off her and has her cow girl attire put on before her milking.
Some cowprint stockings or a cowprint one piece bathing suit with a big hole in the bust for her udders to hang out of would be great to go with all her collars and cuffs and such.
Nursing bras would be cool too. They lift up boobs just a little and has easy exposure for milking. Can’t wait to see some actual milk
We need more Katie lol
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Katie is amazing! She is very pretty and her tits are awesome. I would like to see her huge tits milked by hand by herself or another girl and/or sucked on.
Katie is great. Just question would it be possible that she is standing like that on very high heels, breasts being milked with 5 men in front of her watching and they turn on turn go behind her to fuck her ?
She is so cute!