A new machine! It will make our intakes a lot easier. This machine can do so many things! And it is a full breast training device, not just for the nipples! Its strong vacuum and infrared therapy can enhance tissue growth and blood flow, and it has reward (vibration) and punish (electro shock) functions to control our HuCows. This first test features a new candidate for our farm: the big boobed Cory who wants to be trained as a HuCow. Let’s see if she can make it through the intake!
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18 Responses
I applaud your creativity!
But, by “just only looking”, at the photos, you cannot tell if the machine is “milking” her – or not!
Those “little tubes”, milking her “BIG BREASTS”, [from the pictures – alone] you just cannot tell if “anything” is “happening”!
(You CAN “tell” – with the Double-Breast Pump, and the Goat Milker – when you “Zoom-In”: you can see that their nipples are being “extended”!)
Well, you have to realise that the vacuum is strong enough to keep the heavy cups on her boobs. Otherwise they would fall off. The machine has a suction time / relax time setting (vacuum and release, although it will not release completely of course), it is very strong, and can build up, like a blood pressure meter, before letting go again. The white ‘data’ cables are for light/electro/vibration control, and I add them later in the video.
Please use the goat milker next time again.
Love that you have used a ballgag to keep slut slave Cory’s suck hole shut (NB on-screen gagging is best). Looks like an interesting machine- to spice it up even more, add nipple clamps to her teats while the Electronic Breast Training Machine is at work.
Remember- Nursing Bras (with framed cups- not padded cups, not molded cups) should be worn by the slut slave hucows, it looks so sexy!
She is nice, but we need more Katie! :)
Five stars for her drooling, but is this thing on??
I’m fascinated by this machine, please explain better the functioning!
Infrared rays cause much pain?
And how the electricity is discharged on the tits?
Infrared stimulates tissue development, it does not hurt. The electro stimulation runs through the rim of the cups. I will get a HuCow to explain it better in a video, maybe Natalia Forrest.
After her first performance, Natalia seems the subject suitable for this machine. She is so aggressive, she needs a punishment! Leaving her free to be able to scream!
I would also love a description of the “punishment” electro feature.
Meanwhile, a potential scenario idea comes to mind. We all know that certainly beautiful women with large breasts use those to their advantage–putting these “assets” forward to seduce and manipulate men. Wouldn’t it be lovely if one of your potential hucows, preferably a new one to the site, was seen first doing just that–dressed in a way that was provocative with low-cut clothing exposing her boobs and smiling in her mirror about how she was going to get this man she was meeting for the first time to be at her beck and call–maybe an employer prospect, maybe a potential rich boyfriend/husband, at any rate someone she THOUGHT in her arrogant and beautiful bountiful boobalicious way she could use via her tits. What she doesn’t KNOW of course is that her date is, naturally, The Farmer, who’s scouted her out as potential hucow material and is in fact using her intentions against her. He manages to make her THINK her boobs are doing their job and enticing/seducing him when, in fact, he slips her a mickey and the next thing you know she is a strictly bound captive who is told in no uncertain terms the fate her boobs and machinations have delivered her to-a future life as a hucow being milked endlessly like the properly punished and humiliated cow she is. Oh, the outrage and degradation of this once-proud beauty as the tables are turned on her and in particular on her tits! A fitting future for a foxy femme not-so-fatale and a wonderful warning to others who’d similarly attempt to control their betters with their boobs. And all she can think of as her endless milking sessions continue into her future is… “If only I’d been flat-chested! If only…” :) Fun, huh?
Potentional Cow
I would love to have this machine used on me.
I want to buy this breast trainer device. Where can one do so?
Billie Toogood
I read that you don.t accept male hucows but would you allow a breasted transgender to try the machines for curiosity’s sake and for fun
wie stark und wie lange kann denn gesaugt werden?
NICE!! Really could not believe that I missed this update on this site all of these years ago. Cory Spice is absolutely fantastically gorgeous and absolutely love her black hair and pouty expressions when confined in this predicament. Webmaster please bring back Cory Spice for some more future updates and scenarios on this site. Cory Spice has some wonderful tattoos and a perfectly gorgeous expression of submission and need. NICE!! ~S
Dear Webmaster, Cory Spice is one wonderfully gorgeous Lady and it is such a delight to see such a fantastic creature on hucows. It has been four years since her first appearance and several months since her last appearance. Any chance of brining her back to experience some more pleasure and/or pain on the hucows machines. Please bring Cory Spice back to this site for the viewing audience. Thanks!!
Nice machine!
Das würde ich auch gerne mal zu spüren bekommen.
Möchte mich gerne bewerben als Hucow